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Proposed change to resource base at Heathfield Primary school

Statutory Consultation

Proposal to change the designation of the resource base at Heathfield Primary School (Heathfield) and move the Speech and Language resource from Northwood Primary School (Northwood) into Heathfield effective from September 2024.


Working in partnership with Darlington Borough Council the Lingfield Academy Trust is seeking to change the designation of the resource base at Heathfield Primary School (The Broadway, Darlington) from September 2024. The base currently has 16 places with a specific remit to provide individualised learning support to children with cognition and learning needs. An analysis of the needs of Darlington children has not identified cognition and learning as an area of where there is a continued requirement for a designated resource base. Communication and interaction needs represent a growing proportion of presenting needs within Darlington, increasingly identified in early years settings. There is one primary school resource base currently with a remit of communication and interaction needs and demand for places in this resource base are significantly outstripping capacity. It has been oversubscribed for a 3-year period and is expected to be in the same position of oversubscription in September 2024.

In response to this oversubscription position, it is proposed that the resource base at Heathfield will be remodelled to respond to the growing need for individualised learning support to children with communication and interaction needs. The resource base will focus on children in their early years of primary education and therefore will be for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The resource base will developed as part of a 3-year programme. The base will initially commence with 8 places and gradually build to a 24 place provision. The incremental growth in the resource base place numbers will continue to remain under review to ensure it is at a level and rate to ensure continued quality and success of the provision.

The remodelling of the Heathfield resource base also presents the opportunity to ensure resources to meet the holistic needs of children are co-located and can operate on a needs led basis and as a hub of support. It is therefore, also proposed that the Speech and Language resource currently located at Northwood Primary School transfers into Heathfield to coincide with the opening of the remodelled base. There will be no impact on current support levels for children in either setting.

This proposal has been developed in order to ensure that resource bases continue to be reflective of and responsive to the needs of Darlington children and young people.

Why have a resource base?

A Resource base can provide individualised support to children to overcome their barriers to learning, develop their coping strategies and personal resilience. Resource bases are focused on integrating children into a mainstream setting with the appropriate support to enable them to reach their potential.

Who runs the resource base?

The Resource base is staffed and managed by a designated resource base team who work with schools and stakeholders across Darlington to; identify, assess and meet the needs of children who require enhanced mainstream support.

The resource base team works in partnership with a range of school support professionals to ensure the individual needs of children are met.

Why now and what will be the impact of changing the resource base at Heathfield and moving the Speech and Language resource from Heathfield to Northwood from September 2024?

Both the Heathfield and Northwood resource bases have operated under capacity. If remodelling did not take place by September 2024 the vast majority of places would be unoccupied.

A review of the needs of Darlington children and young people with SEND has identified communication and interaction needs as a very significant area of need. Currently resource base provision in Darlington to meet this need is insufficient. We are seeking to change the primary need group for the resource base at Heathfield to communication and interaction needs effective from September 2024, with a target age group of Reception to year 2. The resource base will be filled on a graduated basis starting with Reception children and building over a 3-year period.

How big will the base be?

The base will have a maximum number of places to ensure children receive the required individualised learning support. The base will have 8 places available starting with Reception places only and will be built upon incrementally over a 3-year period creating 24 places.

The Published Admission Number of the school will remain the same and not be impacted by this proposal. The resource base will operate independently from the school.

How do you access the base?

Access to the base will be through a designated multiagency agency panel, with representation including and not limited to; SEND, Early Years, health and education. The panel will carefully consider the presenting needs of the children with social, communication and interaction and speech and language needs and determine which children could most effectively have their learning needs met within a designated resource base. There will be full parental engagement during this process.

Will attending or applying to attend a school with resource base make a child more likely to have access to a resource base?

No, access to the base with be through the multiagency panel only and will be needs led. Applying to attend a school with a resource base will not make a child any more likely to access the base. The base will be available to eligible children from Darlington, not limited to the school’s catchment area.

Does a child need to have an EHCP to access the base?

No access to the base will be needs led and a EHCP will not be a criteria stipulation.

What will the benefit of changing the resource base and transferring the Speech and Language resource be?

It will

  • Ensure resource base provision in Darlington is responding to the changing needs and requirements of Darlington children and young people.
  • Provide co-ordinated and holistic support to children and young people with SEND needs.
  • Support improved educational outcomes for children with SEN by ensuring that resources bases are responding to the areas of greatest need.
  • Support the further development of inclusive provision and practice and ensure that children’s needs are fully understood and responded to at the earliest opportunity.

Who is being consulted about the change to the base?

There is an open community consultation, you can participate in the consultation survey via the following link:

or scan the QR code below

QR code

A face-to-face consultation discussion session will also take place with current parents, future parents and key stakeholders via a drop-in session at Heathfield Primary School on Monday 22nd January at 3:30pm.

How long will the consultation run?

The consultation forms part of the DfE significant change process and therefore will be open for a 6-week period starting on Monday 8th January 2024 and ending on Sunday 18h February 2024.

What happens after the consultation?

All consultation responses will be evaluated following which a Business Case is submitted to the Department for Education (DfE). DfE will then make a determination if the proposed changes can take place.

Runs from:
08/01/2024 to 18/02/2024
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