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Mutual exchange

​A mutual exchange involves two or more tenants swapping their homes, it's easy and can be quicker than going on the Darlington HomeSearch waiting list.

You can find out more about the process and helpful advice and tips in our Mutual Exchanges - Your Guide leaflet [pdf document].

Homeswapper logo

Darlington Borough Council is a registered landlord on HomeSwapper. 

HomeSwapper is a nationwide service for connecting social housing tenants who would like to exchange their home with another social housing tenant.  It works for people looking to move locally or further afield.

How to Apply

Registering for HomeSwapper is easy, all you need to do is visit the HomeSwapper website [external link].

The ‘How to Register' guide [pdf document] takes you through the registration process step by step.

You can connect with potential properties to swap with and message other tenants.

To do this all you need to do is register and download and log into your app.

HomeSwapper has their very own dedicated Customer Service team.

If you do need some help email:[email protected]

Your advert is the most important part of the swapping process and it’s really important to get it right. You can follow some good advice by clicking on the writing a great advert. [external link]

If you have found your swap through HomeSwapper you can hit the ’found a match’ button and this will take you to SwapTracker.

SwapTracker is part of the HomeSwapper service. Good News! Darlington Borough Council uses SwapTracker which will make it even easier to apply for an exchange.
The HomeSwapper website helps you find other social housing tenants to swap with.
When you have found someone and both of you have agreed to swap you can then use SwapTracker. This will allow you to apply for a mutual exchange and keep track of its progress all the way!
Once you apply and we are happy we have all of your details we will set your application to ‘under review’. This means we have 42 days to approve or reject your application.
Important: this is the date you can expect a decision by.
This is not a move date. Do not make any removal arrangements until your exchange has been approved.

How to contact us

There are several ways you can contact us:

Any emergency repairs can be reported to 01325 405333 24/7 365 days a year.

What if I am not satisfied with the response?

We hope that we can work together with our residents and listen to their voices and resolve any problems, but if you are unhappy with the response from the Housing team we have a complaints procedure you can follow and you can contact our Complaints Team by:

Install our web app.