Apply for an emergency carers card
Are you a carer for an adult? Are they relying on you to care for them?
Have you considered what will happen if you are involved in an emergency such as an accident and are unable to look after that person?
You can carry an Emergency Carers Card. This will let others know that you are a carer and that someone is depending on you if you are involved in an emergency.
The carers card will have details on of who to contact in an emergency. This can be details of friends or family who can assist the person you care for. The card will also have Durham and Darlington's social care teams who may be able to provide support if no one else can assist.
Apply for an Emergency Carers Card [external link]
You should also consider setting up an emergency plan [external link]. The plan will include the carers and dependent's details, medical conditions, allergies, mobility or communication issues. Taking time to complete a plan will give you and your dependent confidence in times of emergency.
If you have an emergency and need someone to look after the person you care for, please call the numbers below.
To access support during office hours, ring Darlington Adult Social Care on 01325 406111.
To access support out of office hours, ring the Darlington Emergency Duty Team on 01642 524552.