Support for women
Domestic abuse impacts people in different ways. There are several organisations, support groups, and services providers available to support victims based on their individual circumstances.
Every Tuesday, 10:30am - 12:30pm
Bellburn Allotment, Off Brinkburn Road, Darlington
Who is this for
For all women who live in Darlington
Event details
Women's shed offers a safe secure venue for all Women who live Darlington
The allotment has a warm shed, tea and coffee making facilities and toilets on site
We provide various activity's including allotment work, and arts and crafts but some ladies just enjoy coming to socialise and have a chat and a cuppa
Allotments are secured by a large metal fence and only key holders can be admitted
How can I join?
For further information contact Helen Kirkby by
- email: [email protected]
- call: 07929 739029
- Groundwork website [external link]
View the domestic and sexual abuse directory for details of services.
Contact details:
- email: [email protected]
- helpline: 0300 222 5730
- business line: 01325 354119
- RSAAC website [external link]
Contact us about anything.
Open to anyone - LGBT+ or not.
Contact us on:
- support line: 01325 978 007
- office telephone: 01325 978 810
- email: [email protected]
- Arcus website [external link]
You can:
- make a referral for counselling
- make a referral for the support line
- make a referral to our wellbeing and mentoring service
- book places on our LGBT+ awareness training
- request a call back
Please note that we are a generalist service, so you can refer anyone to us for anything.
Although our specialism is LGBT+ clients to not have to be LGBT+ to access any of our services.
There is also an older LGBT+ Group, that takes place in person, at Age UK, Bradbury House Darlington, every Thursday at 4pm till 6pm. Currently using Zoom.
You can also follow us on social media using the following links:
- Arcus Facebook [external link]
- Arcus Twitter [external link]
Getting support
Harbour domestic abuse support service works with families and individuals who are affected by abuse from a partner, former partner or other family member.
Contact details:
- Email - [email protected]
- Phone - 03000 202525
- Website - [external link]
Family Help Darlington CIO
Offer a confidential service and can provide safe temporary refuge accommodation.
Located in Darlington, Family Help offers safe, temporary accommodation to women and children fleeing domestic abuse as well as a confidential helpline for anyone affected by domestic abuse, directly or indirectly.
Contact details:
- Email - [email protected]
- Phone - 01325 364486
- Website - [external link]