The Adult Social Care Digital Strategy has been developed and aligned with key local and national Strategies to ensure a co-ordinated approach in delivering the vision of this Strategy.
Digital Darlington Framework
Our Vision
Improve customer experience and value for money by providing easy-to-use digital access to more council services and focussing our freed-up resources to support residents who need help to do more online.
Our Objectives
To achieve our vision our objectives are to;
- Adopt a ‘digital first’ approach: When customer access to council services is being considered, ensuring easy-to-use online access will be the starting point and priority.
- Develop services based around the customer: Online services will be designed with the customer at the centre.
- Take a strategic approach to development of digital services and related processes : The development plan will be driven by strategic needs and priorities agreed with chief officers.
- Implement innovative ways to address digital exclusion: We will support residents, where possible, to be able to access and use council services through digital channels.
Adults Transformation programme
The new Vision for adult social care in Darlington 2023-2026:
- People are supported to feel are safe within their community
- People are at the centre of planning their own support
- The community, services, organisations work together to support people with their care, support, and well-being
- Support is delivered that encourages the person to have goals, outcomes, expectations, and achievements
What good looks like for Local Authorities and Care providers
The Local Government Association and Assistant Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) have recently published a framework detailing that when technology is embedded seamlessly into care and support it can be transformative, improving people’s quality of life and ensuring information is readily available to help staff provide the right care in the right place at the right time.
This framework was 7 measures of success, as shown below: