Notice of Marriage / Civil Partnership
You must sign a legal statement at your local register office to say you intend to get married or form a civil partnership. This is known as ‘giving notice’.
You must give notice at least 29 days before your legal ceremony. You must hold your ceremony within 12 months of giving notice.
You need to make an appointment to give notice at your local register office. You must have lived in that registration district for the past 7 days.
You and your partner will need to give notice separately if you live in different registration districts. You do not have to do this on the same day.
To check which register office you can give notice at visit Find a register office - GOV.UK (
Some foreign nationals will need a different type of appointment. Please contact the register office on 01325 406400, or email [email protected], if you are NOT a British / Irish citizen, or if you are an EU citizen who does NOT have settled status or pre-settled status.
Documents you will need
You must bring the original of the following documents. Photocopies are not acceptable.
Proof of identity and nationality
- A valid passport, or
- If you are a British citizen, your full UK birth certificate (showing parental details)
- Proof of name changes, if applicable (e.g. deed poll)
If you are not bringing a valid passport and were born on or after 1 January 1983, you will need to bring additional ID. You must bring your full British birth certificate, as well as a full birth certificate of one of your parents born in the UK.
If your parents were born on or after 1 January 1983 you also need to bring a full birth certificate of one of your grandparents born in the UK.
If your parents or grandparents were not married, then all documents must relate to your mother and / or maternal grandmother.
If your parents or grandparents were married, and you are bringing your father or grandfather’s birth certificate, you also need to bring their relevant marriage certificate.
There must be a link between the surnames shown on the certificates.
Proof of address
You must bring one of the following:
- A valid UK driving licence
- Utility bill dated within 3 months of your appointment
- Bank statement dated within 1 month of your appointment
- Council Tax bill from the last 12 months
- Mortgage statement from the last 12 months
- Current tenancy agreement
- Letter from your landlord (dated within the last 7 days) confirming you live there and including your landlord’s name, address and their signature
If you have been married or in a civil partnership before
You must bring one of the following. Photocopies are not acceptable. Digital copies must be printed.
- A Decree Absolute or Final Order Get a copy of a decree absolute or final order - GOV.UK (
- Your late partner’s death certificate
If your marriage was dissolved outside of the UK, additional fees are applicable. Your documents will need to be checked and translations are required for documents not in English.
A notice of marriage, or civil partnership, costs £42.00 per person
Foreign divorce for consideration locally is £55.00
Foreign divorce for consideration by General Register Office is £83.00
Booking an appointment to give notice of marriage / civil partnership
To book an appointment online, you must both fall under one of the following categories:
- Be a British or Irish citizen
- Be an EU citizen with settled status, or pre-settled status. You must bring a valid share code to your appointment. This can be generated here View and prove your immigration status: get a share code - GOV.UK (
- Be an EU citizen who has applied to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) prior to 30 June 2021, and be awaiting a decision. You must provide your certificate of application.
If you both do not fall under the above criteria, you should ring 01325 406400 to book an appointment. You will also need to provide additional documentation:
- A passport sized photo of each of you, taken recently
- Proof of immigration status (e.g. visa)
- Translation of any documents not in English
For further advice please ring 01325 406400 or email [email protected]