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Tips to Help with your Studying

We have a number of helpful tips to help you take full advantage of your learning.

Make a plan

Invest in a diary or a wall calendar. Find out when your deadlines are for submitting work and exam dates and write them down. You may also want to write down practice exam dates and other important dates provided by your tutor. Ask your tutor for these dates if they have not been provided.

Plan your daily routine and tasks / schedule your study time

Planning the night or the weekend before will allow you be organised the following day/week. Each day or week put time aside for studying and prioritise this over a few other things. Write down what your plans are for every day of the week and make sure you schedule in all of the study time your tutor recommends.

Tell your employer

If you work full-time it will be worth telling your employer so they can support you if required. They will delighted to see that you are investing in your own personal development.

Choose your best place to study

Sometimes studying at home doesn’t always go to plan. There are many distractions such as family members walking into your room to discuss something or having the TV on. May be speak to your manager about staying back for a few hours or coming in early so you can concentrate while it is quiet in the office, or go to the local library or café that is open later in the evening.

Choose when you can find the best time to study

Some people like to study in the morning and some people prefer in the evening. You may want to just study once a week or spread it across the week, whichever you decide to do, stick to the routine. Choose what is best for you.

Stay motivated

Remind yourself why you are studying, write down the benefits and the positive opportunities available after you have completed your studies. It may be worth having a large notice board to help you remember these on a daily basis.

Talk about problems

If you are struggling with a piece of work or struggling to hand in work before your deadline due to an emergency situation elsewhere, then talk to your tutor. Don’t ignore the problem, your tutor will help and support you to reach a solution.

Keep calm, focused and look after yourself

To keep motivated and help you study it is also important to look after yourself. Take time out to relax or do something you enjoy. Eat healthily and drink water to stay hydrated at all times. If you can, take regular exercise. May be have goals, such as ‘when one unit is completed I will treat myself to a cinema trip’ or whatever you enjoy or prefer.

You can say no

Although socialising or going to family events is something that you should do to stay motivated, when it comes close to your deadline dates and exams it may be better to say no so you can concentrate on your studies. If friends pressure you into going out, then you can say no to them and tell them you will go out once all the exams have been completed or you have submitted your work.

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