In this section you can find information on the health support available in Darlington and the surrounding areas.
- A guide to health services in Darlington [external link]
- Back to school anxiety [pdf document] - a guide for young people anxious about returning to school after the holidays
- Coronavirus vaccine information for children and young people - information for children and young people 12-17 years [external link], what to expect after your vaccination [external link]
- Daisy Chain Family Support Team [external link]
- Darlington Needs Led Neurodevelopmental Pathway [external link]
- Healthier Together website [external link]- produced by the Child Health and Wellbeing Network
- NHS Information for parents and carers on a range of subjects including
- anxiety[pdf document]
- behaviour[pdf document]
- communication[pdf document]
- Downs Syndrome[pdf document]
- epilepsy [pdf document]
- feeding[pdf document]
- recovery college [pdf document]
- sleep[pdf document]
- toilet training & continence [pdf document]
- Positive About Down Syndrome [external link] - an information booklet written and produced by parents of children with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome North East (DSNE) have parent champions who are here to support you. Parent Champions can share with you what support is available locally and nationally for children with Down Syndrome and from their own experiences are able to offer advice and guidance on accessing appropriate services and support. If you would like to be linked in with a parent champion for a chat, please email [email protected] and one of the team will be in touch.
- Red! Amber! Green! A handy guide to babies and under 5's health. The Little Orange Book [external link] uses a traffic light system to help parents make the right choices on accessing NHS services.
- Self help leaflets [external link] - a range of leaflets on a wide range of areas including anxiety, bereavement, low mood and stress.
- Sunflower Programme [external link]- a series of three sessions delivered by a team of highly experienced Occupational Therapists. To book, please complete the referral form[external link]
- Wellness Support Hub- created by St Teresa’s Hospice to provide support to anyone who has a life-limiting illness or their families or carers.
What services are you looking for?
Click on the links below to search for local services.
Community services [external link]
Equipment and adaptations [external link]
Hospital services [external link]
Independent support [external link]
Mental health and wellbeing [external link]
Therapies [external link]
Universal services [external link]