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Preparing for adulthood

Preparing for Adulthood is about preparing for things like

  • higher education
  • employment
  • independent living
  • being involved in the community
  • being healthy in adult life.

Discussions about preparing for adulthood need to start when a young person is in year 7 (13 or 14 years old). It may continue beyond the age of 19, for some young people, if it is considered that they require a longer period in education or training in order to achieve their outcomes and make an effective transition. Transition support from other agencies may continue until the young person is 25.

As children get older and become young people and adults it is important that they are given opportunities to take more control over their lives. They will need support to do this from their family and the professionals working with them. This is particularly important for young people with special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities.

This section of the Local Offer was produced in partnership with Darlington Association on Disability's Young Leaders Forum.

More information about preparing for adulthood can be found here:

What are you looking for?

Education and employment [external link]

Independent living [external link]

Health [external link]

Community involvement [external link]

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