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Well-being and support at Rosemary Court

Meet Making Space

Making Space are commissioned by the local authority to provide the in house care and support services to tenants who live at any of the Extra care housing schemes. For more information about Making Space and the agencies that regulate their services please follow these links:

Making Space (Care provider) [external link]

Making Space are inspected by Care Quality Commission [external link]

Move More activities at Rosemary Court


Rosemary Court activities
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Visit to Eastbourne Community Hub for tea and toast

Hairdresser 9:30 Activity Afternoon in the hobby room 13:30


Move More - Exercise Class 10:30-11:30

Coffee Morning 10:00
Bingo 14:30 Chiropodist Every 6 weeks


You can also take part in any of the below activities in any of our community centres

We organise various trips throughout the year, some with other schemes (various prices). We arrange entertainers throughout the year (committee funds raised subsidise these).

Community centre activities
Activity Venue Day Start Time Finish Time Date Cost
exercise for everyone Oban Court Mon 11.15am 12.15pm weekly £1
exercises & yoga Rockwell House Mon 2pm 3pm weekly £2
Tai Chi Branksome Hall Mon 2pm 3pm weekly £2
Tai Chi Dalkeith House Tues 10am 11am weekly £2
exercises & games Linden Court Tues 10am 11am weekly £2
games Rosemary Court Tues 2pm 3pm weekly £1
Tai Chi Havelock Street Weds 3.15pm 4.15pm weekly £2
Bowls Oban Court Thurs 11.15am 12.15pm weekly £1
exercises & games Ted Fletcher Court Thurs  2pm 3pm weekly £2
exercise for everyone Park Place Fri 9.30am 10.30am weekly £2
exercise for everyone Windsor Court Fri 10.30am 11.30am weekly £2
exercise for everyone Roxby Court Fri 2pm 3pm weekly £2
multi-activity Branksome Hall Fri 2pm 3pm weekly £2

Activities can be adapted to meet all levels of fitness. Everyone is welcome, so come along and try out a new activity. If you need further information please telephone the Move More Team. You can call 01325 405400 or email [email protected].

Volunteering Within Sheltered Housing and Extra Care Schemes

We are currently looking for volunteers to offer activities with the residents. If you are interested or know of anybody who may be interested and have skills in the following areas:

  • arts & crafts
  • music
  • any other activity you think would be of interest

Please contact the Move More Team on 01325 405400or email [email protected].

Services we work with for you

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