Housing Services Community Fund
Do you have a good idea and want to make a difference to where you live?
Our Community Engagement Fund has been set up by us to help you do just that!
Over the last 4 years we have supported tenants to transform their communities.
The community fund offers a financial contribution to support tenant led activities and projects that make a difference to the community and helps to promote social, environmental, and economic wellbeing.
Funding is available up to £1000!
Eligibility criteria
Applications need to be from:
- tenants or leaseholders, as part of a group or individual,
- voluntary groups,
- tenants led community group.
All applications need to benefit and make a difference to the lives of Darlington Council tenants, their families, and the wider community where we own properties.
Applications must be able to demonstrate how the fund aims to help achieve the following outcomes in the local community:
- A safe and caring community where tenants know and support their neighbours
- The diverse needs within the community are supported
- More people active and involved in community events
- A place designed to thrive
- More people caring for the environment
- Enough support for people when needed
- More people healthy and independent
- Children have the best start in life
- Support the formation and activities of tenants groups and tenant panels
- Build capacity within the community so more tenants can be effectively involved
Decision making
Every application will be judged on their own merit but must meet the eligibility criteria set above.
All applications will be reviewed by the Head of Housing in partnership with members of our Tenants Panel to ensure fairness and accountability.
We may contact you to ask more questions about the project if there is not enough information provided.
What can a grant pay for?
In your application you will need to tell us what the grant will be spent on. Here are some examples of what we will fund:
- Materials for use in your project
- Publicity materials for use in your project
- Training
- Transport costs
- Venue hire
- Volunteer expenses
- Purchase or hire of equipment
- Information technology equipment
- A local event
What we won’t pay towards:
- Day to day running costs (e.g. utility bills, council tax, rents)
- Items that only benefit individuals (e.g. equipment that is not to be shared)
- Political or religious activities
- Purchase of alcohol
How will I know if I have been successful?
A member of the Housing team will contact you to check your details and confirm payment arrangements.
Will I be able to resubmit if I have been unsuccessful?
You will have the opportunity to resubmit if the bid for funding has been unsuccessful. For any application we will advise the reasons why the bid has been unsuccessful and update you if we think the bid is unsuitable.
Will you give me feedback on my application if unsuccessful
You will always receive feedback for your applications. If for any reason they are unsuccessful we will highlight the reasons why and if there are any changes that could affect our decision.
How many bids can an organisation make each year?
An organisation can have one set of funding per year, plus an extra set of funding for special occasions.
How will I receive the funding?
If successful payment will be made by cheque distributed by post.
What is Interim Funding?
Occasionally, due to the nature of the project, payment may be split with payments being conditional on completing certain tasks within a project.
What is the purpose of the interim funding?
Representatives of Housing Services and one or more tenant representatives will come to your project to meet with members of your organisation and/or the beneficiaries of the grant, take some photographs, hear about how the project is going and present the cheques for the second half of the funding.
What happens after the interim funding?
Once the interim visit has been completed you should carry on with the clear aim of completing your project.
Can my Scheme Manager help me with the application?
Your scheme manager can help you with the application but cannot process the applications themselves. Applicants should have an idea of costings before completing their applications.
Will my application be publicised?
Any successful applications may be publicised on the Darlington Borough Council webpage as well as the Housing and corporate Facebook page. We will also round successful applications in the Housing Connect Magazine.
Who do I contact for more information?
For more information contact our Tenants Involvement Team via email at [email protected] or by phone at 01325 406682 / 403245.
Make an application
Use the online form below to make an application to the community fund. If you prefer you can download the attached application form [pdf document] and return it to us by email to [email protected] or by post to Customer Engagement, Housing Services, Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT.