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Missing and Exploited Children

The missing and exploited team works with vulnerable young people who are at risk of going missing or being sexually, criminally or financially exploited. 

They also work closely with families and carers to help young people who have been exploited or have gone missing in the past.

They provide bespoke plans for individual young people and their families and work with them on their own or in groups to improve their situation.

They work with organisations and businesses who are not traditionally linked with children’s services such as shops, taxi firms, public transport, parks, licensing and takeaways to identify potential risks and make these places safe for young people.

Get help or report it

Remember it is ok to speak with someone, exploitation is NOT your fault. If you are feeling pressured into keeping secrets or being threatened, please reach out for help.

If you are concerned about a child, please speak up!

Durham police – call 101 or report online [external link]. Call 999 if a child in in immediate danger.

The council's children’s initial advice team - call 01325 406222

Number Forty

Barnardo's [external link]

Fearless [external link]

Childline [external link]

NSPCC [external link]

Emergency duty service - provides an out-of-hours response to emergency situations involving child protection and care - call 01642 524552

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