Cockerton and Woodland Road/Carmel Road North Roundabout Improvements
We want Darlington to be a place where people want to live and businesses want to locate, where the economy continues to grow, where people are happy and proud of the borough and where everyone has the opportunity to maximise their potential.
As the town’s economy grows, we recognise the need to update and improve our infrastructure.
We have an ambitious programme to deliver improvements to our physical and social infrastructure to support economic growth and make the borough a more attractive place to live and work.
Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) are developing a package of transport improvements to transform Tees Valley’s transport system.
This package includes improvements to international and national gateways such as Teesside International Airport and Darlington Station, improvement to the key arteries within the Tees Valley and providing a substantial improvement to public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure, to improve the way people and goods move around the area and to reduce its impact on climate and the environment.
The A68 has been identified as an important improvement corridor and we are looking to tackle congestion, make public transport more reliable and make it safer and more attractive to cycle and walk.
We propose to carry out works to the existing A68 Cockerton, A68 Woodland Road and B6280 Staindrop Road roundabout junctions.
The existing mini roundabouts are at capacity and larger conventional roundabouts that can accommodate more traffic are proposed to replace them.
This will reduce delays for all traffic including commercial bus services.
This scheme was identified as being required as part of analysis of the Darlington Local Plan and will support the development of new homes and employment sites.
The scheme includes
- A new roundabout in Cockerton to replace the existing mini roundabout. This will require more land to the south and will result in changes to the area in front of Cockerton shops
- The existing mini roundabouts at Carmel Road North and Woodland Road are proposed to be replaced with larger conventional roundabouts. This will require more land and as a result would need the demolition of 267 Carmel Road North.
- It will also affect the green space on the corner of Carmel Road North and Woodland Road. We are aware of covenants on this land and are looking at legal avenues to allow the scheme to move forward.
- A new cycleway is proposed to connect to the A68 Woodland Road Local Cycle and Walking Infrastructure Plan scheme.
- Pedestrian facilities will be improved - we would like to hear from residents if there any specific pedestrian improvements along the A68 Woodland Road and A68 in Cockerton that they would like us to consider.
- The schemes will incorporate Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) to ensure that there is no increased risk of flooding.
- There is a separate consultation on the walking and cycling scheme proposed for Woodland Road.
This scheme will help to
- Improve the town’s infrastructure
- Encourage more people to cycle (and walk) more often, more safely
- Reduce congestion
- Improve health and wellbeing through people being active
- Improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists
- Improve accessibility for those walking and cycling
- Provide more reliable and punctual bus services
- Support economic growth
This is an artist's impression of the plans
Cockerton before and after
Woodland Road before and after
A copy of the proposed scheme drawing can be seen here:
Woodland Road Phase 2 Consultation Drawing [pdf document].
We would like to invite you to take part in the consultation which runs until Friday 11 February 2022.
Copies are also available to view at Cockerton Library. Any comments can be forwarded to [email protected].
There is a separate consultation on the walking and cycling scheme proposed for Woodland Road.