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Hurworth Parish Council By-Election

On Monday 9 October 2017, a Notice of Vacancy was published and displayed on behalf of Hurworth Parish Council. The Notice advised that two vacancies existed in the office of Parish Councillor on Hurworth Parish Council. 

Rule 5 (2) of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 allows ten electors for a Parish in which the casual vacancies exist to request the Returning Officer to hold an election to fill those vacancies. That request must be made in writing within fourteen working days of the date of notice. 

On Friday 13 October 2017, the Returning Officer received a request to hold an election to fill the vacancies accordingly.

Key Dates

Tuesday 14 November 2017, is the last date to register to vote in this Parish Council Election. If your name is not on the Electoral Register by this date you will not be able to vote in this election. If you believe that you are not registered, you can register online (please note that you will need your Date of Birth and National Insurance Number). Alternatively, you can contact the Election Team on 01325 406444.

5pm, Wednesday 15 November 2017, is the deadline to apply for a Postal Vote or a Postal Proxy Vote, or change or cancel an existing Postal Vote or Postal Proxy Vote, for this Parish Council Election. Postal Vote Packs will be issued on Monday 20 November 2017. 

5pm, Wednesday 22 November 2017, is the deadline to apply for a Proxy Vote (in person) for this Parish Council Election. A Proxy Vote is when you nominate another person to vote on your behalf. 

To obtain a Postal Vote, Postal Proxy Vote or a Proxy Vote (in person), contact the Election Team on 01325 406444. 

The timetable for the Hurworth Parish Council By-Election is as follows:

Nomination Packs available Thursday 26 October 2017
Publication of Notice of Election [pdf document] Thursday 26 October 2017
Deadline for receipt of Nominations 4pm, Friday 3 November 2017
Withdrawal of Candidates 4pm, Friday 3 November 2017 
Publication of Statement of Persons Nominated  4pm, Monday 6 November 2017 
Last Date for Registration  Tuesday 14 November 2017 
Deadline for receipt of Postal Vote and Postal Proxy Vote Applications and changes to any existing Postal or Proxy Votes  5pm, Wednesday 15 November 2017 
Postal Vote Packs will be issued Monday 20 November 2017
Publication of the Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Stations  Wednesday 22 November 2017 
Deadline for receipt of Proxy Vote Applications 5pm, Wednesday 22 November 2017 
Appointment of Poll and Count Agents  Thursday 23 November 2017 
Polling Station opens  7am, Thursday 30 November 2017
Deadline for the receipt of Emergency Proxy Vote Applications  5pm, Thursday 30 November 2017 
 Polling Station closes 10pm, Thursday 30 November 2017 
Verification of Ballot Papers commences  10pm, Thursday 30 November 2017 
Count of Ballot Papers commences  Upon completion of Verification Stage (above), Thursday 30 November 2017 

Declaration of Results [pdf document] Thursday 30 November 2017


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