Show your support for the Town Fund bid

The leader of Darlington Borough Council has urged residents and businesses in the town to throw their weight behind the authority’s bid to the Government Towns Fund , which could see Darlington awarded up to £25m for redevelopment projects.
The Towns Fund was announced by the Government last year, with 101 towns across England chosen to bid for a pot of £3.6 billion.
To access funds of up to £25m towns must come up with a strategy that will help to deliver long-term growth in key areas.
Darlington has received an initial £173,000 to put together a bid and to set up a project board, which will guide the development of the bid.
The board is made up of local business representatives, councillors and council officers and will meet quarterly.
Darlington’s proposals are at an early stage but it is suggested that, if successful, any funding would be used to complement, and perhaps extend, regeneration schemes in North Road, in the area between the town centre and the Head of Steam Museum, and Victoria Road.
Funds could also be used to support town centre revitalisation projects.
The Government is keen to gather as much feedback from the residents of the chosen towns to guide any redevelopment schemes.
The Mytown portal – available at - has been set up to give individuals or organisations the chance to have their say on what they think their town needs to encourage skills, improve transport links and boost regeneration.
Councillor Heather Scott, leader of Darlington Borough Council, said: “This is an excellent opportunity for Darlington and I’d hope that the town will get behind our bid to the Town Fund.
“Northgate and Victoria Road are key gateways to the town centre and our aim is to regenerate both areas to make them welcoming and attractive to visitors and residents.
“I would encourage people to visit the Mytown portal to show their support for Darlington and give their thoughts on what they would like to see. The comments provided will be used by the project board when putting the bid together, but also by the Government to guide its own projects.”
“This is an excellent opportunity for Darlington and I’d hope that the town will get behind our bid to the Town Fund.”
- Councillor Heather Scott