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Families urged to have their say on Darlington’s 0-19 Services

Families urged to have their say on Darlington’s 0-19 Services
14 June 2021

Darlington residents are being urged to have their say on the borough’s 0-19 public health services by completing a survey for consultation.

The Public Health Team at Darlington Borough Council are currently running a consultation on the 0–19 Service that operates across Darlington, which includes both the service health visitors and school nursing provide.

As an evidence-based programme for a universal service to promote optimal health and wellbeing, the 0-19 Service is appropriate for all children and young people and offers additional services for those with specific needs and risk factors.

It is delivered by health visitors and school nurses, who provide support and guidance to parents, children and young people and schools regarding public health issues.

They also provide support and advice on a range of health and wellbeing issues, such as breastfeeding and mental health concerns.

The aim of the consultation is to gain as much feedback from the community as possible as to whether the service that is currently offered is working well and how, if at all, it could be improved.

Penny Spring, Director of Public Health at Darlington Borough Council, said: “The views of our residents are at the heart of every public health service we provide.

“The 0-19 Services consultation gives Darlington residents the opportunity to feedback on how the service is currently offered and will allow us to review and change the way the services operate.

“We urge all service users in Darlington to take this opportunity to have their say on the essential support provided by the 0-19 Service to our communities.”

The survey can be completed online at

For more information on the 0-19 Service, visit

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