New climate change blog
COP26* starts today and we are urging residents to join in the climate change conversation with the launch of a new sustainability and climate change blog.
Our new blog will offer different viewpoints on sustainability and climate change and what can be and is being done locally to tackle the issue faced by everyone. We hope that guest bloggers will get on board to share their thoughts and ideas as the blog progresses.
We declared a climate change emergency in July 2019 and pledged to become carbon neutral by 2050. We’ve agreed a detailed action plan recently which will see work delivered across all areas of the council to reduce the amount of carbon emissions alongside reducing energy consumption and dependence on fossil fuels.
Leader of Darlington Borough Council, and portfolio lead on climate change, Heather Scott, said:
“Everyone needs to join this crucial conversation and work together to tackle climate change. I am delighted to be the first blogger on the page and welcome people to take a look and see what I have been doing to find out more about the work being done locally to tackle climate change.
“However, it will take more than just words to change how we do things. As a council we have already taken steps to reduce our energy consumption and reliance on fossil fuels across many work areas alongside climate change training for all our staff and many other projects that are in hand.
“I am aware that, across the borough, there is a great passion for the environment and how it can be protected. We’ve put together a dedicated web page to show what we are doing and also what everyone can do to play their part.”
The blog is hosted on our Sustainable Darlington page and can be accessed at:
*COP26 will see more than 100 world leaders gather in Glasgow to discuss how the world can reduce its carbon emissions to become carbon neutral by 2050 alongside assisting poorer countries in their bid to tackle climate change.