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Learning service celebrates Ofsted report

Learning service celebrates Ofsted report
22 August 2022

Learners and staff from Learning & Skills Darlington are celebrating after the service was graded ‘good’ by Ofsted.

Learning & Skills offers a wide range of learning opportunities for all ages, including family learning; study programmes; adult learning; apprenticeships and diplomas.

Inspectors visited the service, which has bases at the Coleridge Centre, Bennet House and Lingfield, in June this year.

Their report stated that “Learners and apprentices learn in a calm and welcoming learning environment where they feel valued and respected. Teachers are caring and very supportive. Learners and apprentices quickly settle into their learning with the support of their tutors. Tutors spend time getting to know their learners, which enables them to understand and anticipate potential challenges and provide learners with good support and encouragement.”

The inspectors were particularly impressed by the service’s English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) provision, stating “Learners on ESOL courses who are newly arrived in the country develop new friends and support networks which helps them to settle more easily and feel valued.”

In relation to Ukrainian refugees who have recently accessed the service, the inspectors said; “Adult learners who have recently entered the country as refugees from war-affected countries are supported well to learn English.”

The report also recognised the service for its caring and supportive nature, recognising how all learners feel valued, motivated and respected and are presented with good support and encouragement.

Alaine McCartney, Learning & Skills manager, said: “The ‘good’ Ofsted judgement is testament to the staff’s hard work and commitment to ensure every learner, apprentice, employer and partner receives a high-quality learning experience. We are very proud of the achievement but know the hard work doesn’t stop here as our journey is about continual improvement, innovation and reaching outstanding”.

Councillor Jon Clarke, cabinet member for children and young people: “Learning & Skills provides a valuable service to people in Darlington from all different walks of life and of all ages. I am delighted that its hard work and commitment to education and developing skills has been recognised.

“It is never too late to learn and gain new skills and I would advise anyone who has ever thought about returning to education or boosting their skills to get in touch."

The full Ofsted report can be read at

To find out more about Learning & Skills Darlington visit

“Learning & Skills provides a valuable service to people in Darlington from all different walks of life and of all ages. I am delighted that its hard work and commitment to education and developing skills has been recognised.”

- Jon Clarke, cabinet member for children and young people

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