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Triple Eco success for George Dent Nursery

Triple Eco success for George Dent Nursery
26 July 2024

Youngsters and teachers at George Dent Nursery in Darlington are celebrating as they are awarded Eco  School Green Flag status for the third year in a row.

The nursery’s eco work has widened to reach international levels as one of the chosen topics for the year was Global Citizenship. The children have made links to a nursery in Australia thanks to a member of staff who had worked there previously. The youngsters have been comparing their garden area with their counterparts in Oz, looking at how they are different in terms of plant and tree species and also the animals that can be found there.

Biodiversity was another key theme for the year with the children taking full advantage of the extensive garden area at the nursery with mature trees and different “work” stations and growing areas. Wet weather clothing is provided ensuring the children can enjoy the outdoors throughout the year.

Litter picking has continued throughout the year with a full programme of mini picks and two community litter picks. These involved around 30 adults from the local community who rolled up their sleeves and helped the children clean up the wider local area including the nearby Darlington Memorial Hospital grounds.

In addition, the nursery has continued its work collecting crisp packets to make survival blankets, helping with local food banks and donating spare plants to local residents.

Through the Eco School programme, schools connect their activities to three or more of the Ten Eco-Schools Topics. These topics break large, global issues like climate change into more manageable and directed themes that prompt young people to consider environmental changes that they can make in their school and everyday lives.

There are currently 10 schools and educational settings in Darlington who have signed up to the Eco School programme, three of these have achieved Eco Flag status, with two more awaiting approval.

Katie Taylor, Eco school co-ordinator for George Dent Nursery said:

“We are delighted to be awarded the Green Flag for the third year in a row. Our new link with Australia has provided an exciting addition to the programme this year and has really helped to widen our approach. Children are naturally drawn to nature, and we are so lucky here at George Dent to have such a wonderful resource here in our back garden – literally!

“We’ve also widened our approach on a more local level with more involvement with parents through homework projects; Our children even had the chance to take a small tree home.

“The Eco Schools programme is a brilliant foundation for learning that helps to encourage our youngsters to be aware of sustainability, climate change and to develop an awareness and appreciation of the local and natural environment that we hope will continue throughout their lives.”

Councillor Chris McEwan, Darlington Borough Council’s cabinet member for economy added:

“This is brilliant news, well done to the team at George Dent Nursery who have gone above and beyond their day-to-day work to achieve this award for three years running.

“It’s never too early to sow the seeds of sustainability and the many creative ways the team has found to do this is amazing. Through this the youngsters at the nursery are developing an understanding of the world around them in a way that will help them respect their environment and nature in the years to come.”

This work will contribute to the council’s pledge to become carbon neutral by 2040. This pledge covers all service areas, and the council aims to encourage residents and businesses to join it on the journey towards a greener and more sustainable future. More details are available at:



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