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MBE for virtual school headteacher Calvin Kipling

MBE for virtual school headteacher Calvin Kipling
31 December 2024

Virtual school headteacher Calvin Kipling has been awarded an MBE in the New Year Honours list.

Calvin said: "It is very humbling to receive an honour. I didn’t quite believe it when the letter arrived. I have been very fortunate to have worked alongside literally hundreds of dedicated colleagues in education and social care here in Darlington and across the country and it is their work that makes the difference day in and day out.

“I am delighted that the role of virtual school headteacher has received recognition, not many people will know what we do and maybe will think it is something to do with online learning – which it isn’t.  Virtual school heads are responsible for promoting the educational achievement of children in the care of the local authority.

“Every local authority has to have one and I am about to start my tenth year in this role with Darlington Borough Council. It is the best job! Children in care can have a tough time in the education system, they are vulnerable because they can move schools more frequently as a result of where they are cared for or they can have gaps in their learning when they have missed school or from poor early starts to their lives and they are more likely to be suspended or excluded from school or get poor outcomes.

“This is where virtual school heads are vital, overseeing the educational journey for each child, advising teachers and social workers and being the strong advocate that ensures the things we know will work are in place for each child.  Seeing the children grow up and become independent and successful is very rewarding.”

Before becoming virtual school head, Calvin was headteacher of Branksome Science College (later Darlington School of Maths and Science) in Darlington, and has been on the governing bodies of Darlington College, Rise Carr College and Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College, where he is currently chair of the local governing body.

As well as his work locally, Calvin is a trustee of NAVSH, the National Association of  Virtual School Heads, where he has influenced national policy in relation to children with a social worker.  Calvin is also an member of the expert advisory panel, for Royal National Children’s Springboard Foundation, which seeks to broaden access to independent schools, for children in care.

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