Residential care
A residential care home is a place where a number of people live, usually in single rooms with access to 24 hour on-site care and support. This type of service can provide care to older people and working aged adults with a learning and/or physical disability or people with mental health issue. Care homes provide personal care and support including helping people with washing, dressing and administering medication. Some care homes meet additional specific care needs, such as nursing or dementia care.
Residential and Nursing Care for Older People
Within Darlington there are 20 residential care homes for older people, 19 of which are contracted under our framework agreement. Most care homes are located within the town centre, with 2 in the surrounding villages.
The provider types are a mix of large corporate organisations through to single family-owned care homes. These care homes vary between purpose built and repurposed properties. They vary between 100 bedded homes down to 22 bedded.
Residential Care – Younger Adults
Current placements are made via the Disabled Adults Residential Framework or, if need cannot be met via these providers, direct awards are made ‘off framework’.
We currently have 37 properties with 7 on framework providers and also have people placed with 13 off framework providers.