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George Stephenson Drive 20mph Zone and Traffic Calming

We need your views

Darlington Council is committed to giving residents a bigger say in how local services are planned and delivered. We therefore welcome your views on the proposed traffic calming features on George Stephenson Drive.

Darlington’s Transport Strategy

Darlington’s Local Transport Plan seeks to tackle traffic congestion, improve accessibility and maintain its good record in travel safety through a programme of physical improvements to the highway for all users. This includes the development of 20mph schemes within residential areas.

All schemes are supported by a programme of education, information and publicity to inform residents of the travel choices available to them and their impact on the environment.

What we are proposing

Please see attached map of the proposed changes [pdf document]

The Borough Council has been appointed by the developer to complete the traffic calming along George Stephenson Way to help ensure that they fulfil their planning obligations. We are leading the statutory process required for the implementation of the traffic calming and 20mph zone.

The proposed scheme will include:

  • The installation of appropriate 20mph and 30mph signs and markings at zone entry points
  • The installation of 20mph repeater signs mounted on existing light columns
  • The installation of two sets of speed cushions opposite nos. 11 and 23 George Stephenson Drive

We have taken care to ensure that driveways are not obstructed, and that the features are placed in the best locations to have a traffic calming effect.  We are installing individual cushions as opposed to a full width speed humps as the latter would require a full road closure for installation and there is no other vehicular access to the estate.

Why are these measures necessary?

The Council is committed to providing a safer highway network in residential areas to reduce the risk of road traffic collisions. We believe that these proposed measures will increase the safety of residents in this area, and also encourage more people to walk and cycle.

What do you need to do?

Please take the time to consider our proposals as indicated on the attached plan and then complete the short questionnaire attached. The questionnaire has a space for views and comments which will be considered as part of the consultation process and may help to influence the final scheme.

If you wish to ask specific questions, then you can contact the scheme designer shown i the contacts area.

Following this consultation, we will progress with implementation of the scheme. You will be given the opportunity to object formally to the final scheme proposals.

How do you find out more and get involved?

This page provides information on our initial ideas and a questionnaire is attached to give you the opportunity to make comment on the proposals. However, if there is something you think we have missed or you would like us to consider, please let us know this too.

Our commitment

We will give an undertaking to:

  • Consider the feasibility of the scheme as a whole or in part
  • Listen and consider comments
  • Make appropriate changes to scheme
  • Advise residents of the outcome of this consultation and the next stages
Runs from:
24/06/2021 to 18/07/2021
Roads and infrastructure Planning and Development
Brinkburn and Faverdale

Noel Walecki

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