Training and skills
Skills to foster training
The Skills to Foster Training course runs over a series of sessions. Training will be held on a monthly basis, in a local venue and it shouldn't take more than half an hour for prospective foster carers to attend from all over the North East.
We want you to be able to get as much as possible out of the course and want every applicant to have the chance to attend.

Ongoing training and development
Once Skills to Foster training is finished, you will complete the Training, Skills and Development Standards (TSDS) for foster carers. All foster carers must complete this training.
Nationally all foster carers must complete this training.
During the first year, foster carers complete their induction. This will include any identified training. After the first year, each foster carer has a personal development plan which outlines all of their training and learning needs.
To meet the criteria, you must attend specific mandatory training. At this point we will identify any additional training needs. We offer a broad training programme, and e-learning opportunities.