Live the way that's right for you at Rockwell House

We are very proud of the accommodation and support that we offer. Our tenants and their families feel safe, comfortable, reassured and at home.
You can start to enjoy the next chapter of your life without worry. Our scheme managers are on hand to help with the upkeep and maintenance of your new home should you request it.
They will call you daily (if you choose to have a daily call). They can visit you or help you to take part in the various activities that are often going on in the communal areas. There is always something new for you to get involved with and everyone is welcome.
We have guest facilities making it easy for your family to visit and stay. We pride ourselves on our open and welcoming community.
What do our tenants say about Rockwell House?
"I have lived in Rockwell House for 8 years, having a ground floor flat, the lifeline service and the onsite Scheme manager is great and allows me to remain independent in my own home, from my flat I have a lovely view of the communal garden which all the tenants work together to keep looking vibrant throughout the year."
"There is so much for me and my partner Pat to enjoy at Rockwell House, there is a busy schedule of activities including carpet bowls, gentle exercise classes, bingo, knit and natter and many more, there really is something everyone can enjoy. As well as this we also have at least 3 trips out per year visiting places such as Millstones, Redcar and Scarborough to name a few where we all enjoy spending time together, visiting local shops and eating Fish and Chips by the sea."
"It is really rewarding to be able to work together with all the tenants and give something back to the community, recently we all worked together and held a coffee morning in aid of Butterwick Hospice where we raised £890 for the charity. I feel like I have a home for life at Rockwell House and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else."
Mr Hunt - tenant at Rockwell House