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Domestic and Sexual Abuse Directory

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ChildLine is a charity which offers children and young people help and advice for problems from bullying and sexual abuse to emotional abuse, substance misuse or self harming.

Citizens Advice Bureau

Darlington Citizen's Advice Bureau provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice on people's rights and responsibilities.

It provides advice and information on welfare benefits, employment and money advice to those eligible for legal help.

Darlington Association on Disability (DAD)

  • Address: 22-22 Horsemarket, Darlington, DL1 5PT
  • Telephone: 01325 489999
  • Text: 07624 818 780
  • Minicom: 01325 254061
  • Fax: 01325 488188
  • Website: [external link]

DAD is a voluntary and charitable organisation led by disabled people.

It promotes independence and choice, and supports disabled people and carers in issues such as personal safety, living independently and personal relationships.

Darlington Borough Council's Adult Services

  • Address: Central House, Gladstone Street, Darlington, DL3 6JX
  • Telephone: 01325 406111
  • Fax: 01325 406824
  • Minicom: 01325 468504

Adult Services emergency contact details

If you need help in an emergency outside normal office opening hours, the Emergency Duty Team can be contacted on 01642 524552 or Minicom 01642 602346.

Adult Services

Visit our adult services pages to: 

  • visit the living well directory
  • get help with living independently
  • see details about the adult safeguarding board

Adult services help people live as independently as possible by providing assistance for older people, carers and people with impairments.

Darlington Borough Council's Children's Social Care

Social Care services ensure that children and young people live in a secure, stable and safe environment.

Darlington Borough Council's Housing Department

More information about domestic abuse if you live in council housing

The housing department provides services to residents in the public and private housing sectors, including housing options, support for those with mental health and substance misuse issues and lists of landlords.

Family Help Darlington CIO

Established in 1976, Family Help is an award-winning charity, which is home to Darlington’s only women’s refuge. Family Help offers safe, temporary accommodation to women and children fleeing domestic abuse as well as a confidential helpline for anyone affected by domestic abuse, directly or indirectly.

Family Help’s knowledgeable and experienced team provide a holistic package of support.  From advice regarding practical matters such as housing, benefits and legal assistance to emotional support and domestic abuse counselling; service-users are empowered to make informed choices that will change their life for the better.

Follow Family Help Darlington CIO on:

  • Facebook: /FamilyHelpDarlington
  • Instagram: @FamilyHelpCIO
  • Twitter: @FamilyHelpCIO

First Stop Darlington

First Stop Darlington is a local charity working with people who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless.

Services include:

  • free laundry and shower facilities
  • counselling
  • free telephone and internet access
  • health advice
  • help to fill out forms


For over 40 years Harbour has worked to achieve positive outcomes for all those affected by domestic abuse. We work across County Durham, Darlington, Tees Valley and North Tyneside.

We work with families and individuals who are affected by abuse from a partner, former partner or other family member.

Domestic abuse recognises no boundaries and people can be affected regardless of their age, income, ethnic origin, gender and sexual orientation.

We want people to know they don’t have to go through these experiences alone and there is help available. 

We believe that everyone has the right to live free from abuse and violence and will continue to support individuals and their families to recover from these experiences.

Hourglass Charity

Website: [external link]

The UK’s only charity focused on the abuse and neglect of older people.


Offer a confidential helpline available for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence across the UK as well as their friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues and employers.

Mankind provide an information, support and directing service to men suffering from domestic abuse from their current or former wife, partner (including same-sex partner) or husband. 


Darlington Mind is a charity dedicated to promoting and preserving good mental health and helping people cope with isolation, which can result from mental distress.

Services provided include:

  • counselling
  • therapeutic activities
  • housing support services
  • help with education and employment

Mobile Advice Cooperative

The cooperative is available at the following centres and times for drop in advice and information:

  • Dodmire Children's Centre - Tuesdays 12:30-2:30pm
  • McNay Street Children's Centre - Wednesdays 9:30-11:30am
  • Skerne Park Children's Centre - Wednesdays 12-2pm
  • Mount Pleasant Children's Centre - 09:45am-12:15pm

National Domestic Abuse freephone helpline

This 24-hour, freephone helpline for women and children is run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge.

It can give support, help and information to those suffering from domestic abuse, as well as their friends and family.

The helpline is staffed by fully trained female support workers and volunteers.

All calls are confidential and there are services for callers whose first language is not English, or are deaf/hard of hearing.

National Probation Service

The National Probation Service is a law enforcement agency and public authority.

Officers work with offenders to supervise them in programmes aimed at reducing re-offending.

National Probation Service [external link]

NHS Services

  • Call 999 for emergency medical attention
  • Call 111 for when you need medical help fast, but it isn't an emergency
  • Check NHS England [external link] for health services

Police Safeguarding Team

  • Address: Darlington Police Station, St Cuthbert's Way, Darlington
  • Telephone: 101

The unit investigates crimes of domestic abuse and aims to reduce the risk of repeat incidents, serious harm to victims and to bring abusers to justice.

They can also implement safety measures in the home.

Durham Police Domestic Abuse advice [external link]

Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre (RSACC)

RSACC is a charity which provides free and confidential counselling to survivors (over the age of 13) who have been raped or sexually abused, as well as those who have or are experiencing domestic abuse.

Services include:

  • counselling
  • independent sexual violence advisor service
  • support for non-abusing partners/relatives
  • telephone support line available two mornings and two evenings a week


Developing and supporting services for the victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse.


Sanctuary Supported Living

This confidential service provides support to clients who have/are experiencing domestic abuse.

Services include:

  • support through the court process
  • support on housing issues
  • confidence building

The service is able to support a client for one year.

There is also a children's worker who can provide support to children who have witnessed domestic abuse.

Sexual Assault Referral Centre

The Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) specialises in health care, police services and agency referrals for women and men who have experienced sexual assault.

Services provided include:

  • physical examination
  • treatment of physical injuries
  • testing and preventative treatment for possible sexually transmitted infections
  • counselling (provided by RSACC)
  • help with practical issues

Signhealth - the deaf charity

Website: [external link]

Signhealth work to improve the health and wellbeing of deaf people.

The Meadows - Sexual Assault Referral Centre

The Meadows aims to provide support to anyone living in County Durham or Darlington who has suffered rape or sexual assault.

Services are available to both men and women.

Services include:

  • forensic medical examinations
  • sexual health advice and appointments for STI screening
  • counselling
  • an opportunity to pass on anonymous information

Victim Support

Telephone: 0191 2810491 (Monday - Friday, 8am-8pm, Sat 9am- 5pm)

Darlington Victim Support [external link] is a charity offering free confidential support and information to anyone affected by crime.

Their staff and volunteers are specially trained to give information, practical help and emotion support to people who have been threatened or abused.

Victims are usually put in touch by the police, but you can contact Victim Support directly.

Additional links

Forced marriage

It is a criminal offence to force people into marriage. If you are concerned that a forced marriage is happening in Darlington, please contact Darlington Register Office

You can also contact

  • The Forced Marriage Unit on 020 7008 0151 between 9:00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday or email [email protected]
  • The Choice helpline - 0800 5 999 365
  • Durham Constabulary [external link] - 0845 60 60 365

There is a difference between forced and sham Marriages which are illegal and Marriages which are arranged/of convenience which are legal.

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