Middleton St. George neighbourhood plan
Current consultations
Middleton St. George Neighbourhood Plan
The preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan has been undertaken by the Parish Council and the process began in spring 2019, when local residents and stakeholders were asked to feed back on a draft vision, objectives and policy themes for the plan.
The Pre-Submission Draft Neighbourhood Plan was subject to consultation for eight weeks from 28 September to 23 November 2020 under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.
The documents and associated evidence base can still be viewed on the Middleton St George Parish website [external link]
These comments were then considered by the Parish Council in the creation of the Submission Draft Neighbourhood Plan which was submitted to the Council on 13 April 2021.
Regulation 16 Consultation
In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Darlington Borough Council would like to invite comments from organisations and individuals on the submitted Neighbourhood Plan. The consultation period is from 29 September 2021 to 11 November 2021.
The Neighbourhood Plan Submission Draft is split into four main documents:
- Middleton St George Neighbourhood Plan Submission Draft [pdf document]
- Policies Map 1 [pdf document]
- Policies Map 2 [pdf document]
- Basic Conditions Statement [pdf document]
- Consultation Statement [pdf document]
The following supporting documents have also been submitted:
- Local Green Space and Protected Open Space Background Paper [pdf document]
- Settlement Boundary Background Paper [pdf document]
Following the consultation, it is then the responsibility of Darlington Borough Council to collate all the representations received and pass them on to an independent examiner appointed by the Council. The examiner will review the comments and the plan documents and will assess whether the plan meets the basic conditions and legislation.
A paper copy of the plan can also be viewed at the Londis Convenience Store at 5 The Square, Middleton St George, Darlington, DL2 1EG.
Submitting Comments
You can submit comments:
- On the Council’s consultation portal where the above documents are also available to view.
- By email to: [email protected]
- By post to: Planning Policy, Darlington Borough Council, 4th Floor, Room 401, Town Hall, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5QT.
If you wish to be notified of the Council’s decision on the plan proposal then please state this in your representation.