Darlington Local Plan
Apart from policies E8, E17, H6, R10, R21, S1, T45, T54, T08, below are digital copies of the Proposals Maps from the Darlington Local Plan 1997, alterations 2001).
- Proposals Map 1 [pdf document]
- Proposals Map 2, Urban Area Inset [pdf document]
- Proposals Map 3, Village Insets [pdf document]
- Proposals Map 4, Central Area Inset [pdf document]
Did you know?
You can view the local plan proposals map online. This interactive map details planning policies that apply to the Borough of Darlington. Together they make up the new local plan.
The new planning system places greater emphasis on community involvement. The Council's policies for this are set out in the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).
The Localism Act 2011 introduces the right for communities to prepare neighbourhood plans. It is one way communities can help to shape the future of the places where they live and work.
To be legally enforceable a neighbourhood plan must meet certain conditions. They must also be put to a community referendum.