Other housing providers
Darlington Borough Council is the largest provider of social and affordable rented homes in Darlington. There are also many other Registered Providers of social housing in Darlington and we have Nominations Agreements with these other providers. This means that up to 50% of their available properties will be advertised and allocated on Darlington HomeSearch [external link], their remaining available properties will be allocated to their own waiting list.
This page gives you the names of each of these Registered Providers and links to their websites so that you can contact them and find out more about them.
Accent Housing www.accentgroup.org[external link]
Anchor-Hanover www.anchor.org.uk [external link]
Believe Housing www.believehousing.co.uk[external link]
Beyond Housing www.beyondhousing.co.uk [external link]
Broadacres Housing Association www.broadacres.org.uk[external link]
Gentoo www.gentoogroup.com [external link]
Hellens Residential www.hellensresidential.co.uk [external link]
Home Group www.homegroup.org.uk [external link]
Housing 21 www.housing21.org.uk [external link]
Karbon Homes www.karbonhomes.co.uk [external link]
Livin www.livin.co.uk[external link]
New Walk CIC www.newwalkcic.co.uk [external link]
North Star Housing Group www.northstarhg.co.uk [external link]
Places for People www.placesforpeople.co.uk [external link]
Railway Housing Association www.railwayha.co.uk [external link]
Salvation Army Housing Association www.saha.org.uk [external link]
Thirteen Group www.thirteengroup.co.uk [external link]