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Anxiety, Worries, Fears & Phobias Awareness

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This session will enhance awareness of anxiety, worries, fears & phobias with children & young people. Some of the key elements in the training will be to try & identify & explore anxiety, worries, fears & phobias that can be present in children & young people. It will raise awareness of & clarify the difference between different types of anxiety. The session will also highlight self help/supportive strategies & resources & pathways for appropriate referrals. The trainers use a variety of learning approaches & welcome information & anonymous case discussion to improve & develop the practice of course attendees.

Target Audience

Professionals working with children & young people in Darlington

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Tuesday 22 October 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 12 November 2024 from 1.30-3.45pm via MS Teams
  • Wednesday 11 December 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams




Co Durham & Darlington Primary Mental Health Team

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Anxious About School

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This session will raise awareness of emotionally based school avoidance. It will look at potential causes & explore options for supporting families.

Target Audience

Professionals working with children & young people in Darlington

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Tuesday 17 September from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Wednesday 16 October 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 5 November 2024 from 1.30-3.45pm via MS Teams
  • Wednesday 4 December 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams




Co Durham & Darlington Primary Mental Health Team

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Attachment Difficulties Awareness

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This session will enhance awareness of the subject of attachment in children & young people. Some of the key elements in the training will be to define attachment difficulties in children & young people & identify the behaviours associated with it alongside the factors that influence the development of secure or insecure patters of attachment. The trainers use a variety of learning approaches & welcome information & anonymous case discussion to improve & develop the practice of course attendees.

Target Audience

Professionals working with children & young people in Darlington

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Tuesday 1 October 2024 from 1.30-3.45pm via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 29 October 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Wednesday 13 November 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams 
  • Tuesday 10 December 2024 from 1.30-3.45pm via MS Teams




Co Durham & Darlington Primary Mental Health Team

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Attentional Difficulties (ADHD/ADD) Awareness

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This session will enhance awareness of the subject of attentional difficulties in children & young people. Some of the key elements in this training will be to gain an understanding of attentional difficulties & consider the core symptoms. The training will also give an understanding of ADHD along with the assessment process. There will be an opportunity to share strategies provided by teachers & other professionals. The trainers use a variety of learning approaches & welcome information & anonymous case discussion to improve & develop the practice of course attendees.

Target Audience

Professionals working with children & young people in Darlington

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Tuesday 17 September from 1.30-3.45pm via MS Teams
  • Wednesday 23 October from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 19 November from 1.30-3.45pm via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 10 December 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams




Co Durham & Darlington Primary Mental Health Team

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Childhood Trauma & Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) Awareness

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This training raises awareness of the importance of recognising the sources and impacts of childhood developmental trauma including the impact on the developing brain. It identifies the symptoms & patterns of behaviour which can be seen as well as the underlying hidden needs & considers the potential longer term impacts on physical & emotional well-being. Delegates should be aware that discussing childhood trauma involves looking at sensitive & difficult information. Also Adverse Childhood Experiences are common and this training may raise difficult memories for some.

Target Audience

All practitioners working with children and families in Darlington

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Wednesday 25 September 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 22 October 2024 from 1.30-3.45pm via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 19 November 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 17 December 2024 from 1.30-3.45pm via MS Teams




Co Durham & Darlington Primary Mental Health Team

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Deliberate Self Harm Awareness

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This half day session will enhance participant’s awareness of the use of self harming behaviour within children & young people. Some of the key elements of the training are to become familiar with presentations of self harm & to develop an understanding of the reasons why young people self harm. Due to the sensitive nature of this subject an emotional opt out is available.

Target Audience

Professionals working with children & young people in Darlington

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Tuesday 8 October 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Wednesday 30 October 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 3 December 2024 from 1.30-3.45pm via MS Teams




Co Durham & Darlington Primary Mental Health Team

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Eating Difficulties Awareness

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This session will enhance awareness of the subject of eating disorders in children & young people. Some of the key elements of the training will be to define eating disorders in children & young people, identify the types of eating disorders & to understand some of the possible causes and triggers. Treatment options will also be considered & practitioners responsibilities in accordance with their role. The trainers use a variety of learning approaches & welcome information & anonymous case discussion to improve & develop the practice of course attendees.

Target Audience

Professionals working with children & young people in Darlington

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Wednesday 2 October 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 29 October from 1.30-3.45pm via MS Teams
  • Wednesday 20 November from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 17 December 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams




Co Durham & Darlington Primary Mental Health Team

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Low Mood & Depression Awareness

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This training session will enhance awareness of low mood with children & young people. Key elements will be to try & identify & explore low mood, looking at triggers & strategies to support children & young people. It will raise awareness of & explore the difference between low mood & depression. Session will also highlight self help/supportive strategies & resources & pathways for appropriate referrals. The trainers attempt to use a variety of learning approaches & welcome informal & anonymous case discussion to improve & develop the practice of course attendees.

Target Audience

Professionals working with children & young people in Darlington

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Tuesday 8 October 2024 from 1.30-3.45pm via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 5 November from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Wednesday 27 November 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Wednesday 18 December 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams




Co Durham & Darlington Primary Mental Health Team

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Social & Communication Difficulties Awareness

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This session will enhance awareness of social communication difficulties with children & young people. Some of the key elements in the training will be to try & identify some common behaviour that is associated with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) & hopefully this will raise awareness. It will identify & explore the triad of impairments: social interaction, social imagination & social communication. The training will also include some helpful strategies for better communication that would enhance the skills professionals already demonstrate to ensure further consistency and encourage good practice across all services. The trainers attempt to use a variety of learning approaches & welcome informal & anonymous case discussion to improve & develop the practice of course attendees.

Target Audience

Professionals working with children & young people in Darlington

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Tuesday 15 October 2024 from 1.30-3.45pm via MS Teams
  • Wednesday 6 November 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 3 December 2024 from 9.30-11.45am via MS Teams




Co Durham & Darlington Primary Mental Health Team

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ASC Practice Workshop - Engagement, Co-production & Considering this in Support Plans

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This session will look at:

  • what we mean by co-production
  • Care Act 2014 & co-production
  • Think Local Act Personal (TLAP)
  • example of using TLAP in Support Planning
  • Darlington’s approach to co-production
  • benefits of co-production.

Target Audience

  • DBC Staff Only - ASC Staff

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Tuesday 17 September 2024 from 10.00-12.30pm in the Seminar Room, Dolphin Centre - FULLY BOOKED
  • Tuesday 24 September 2024 from 10.00-12.30pm in the Stephenson Suite, Dolphin Centre - FULLY BOOKED
  • Monday 14 October 2024 from 1.30-4.00pm in the Pease Suite, Dolphin Centre




Robbie Irwin, Quality Assurance Lead, Darlington Borough Council

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Continuing Healthcare

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session delegates will be able to:
  • understand the eligibility criteria in the context of case law on which those criteria are based
  • describe the key principles of assessment & decision-making
  • contribute to the completion of high quality assessments & Decision Support Tools
  • understand the importance of detailed & personalised evidence to support a recommendation
  • confidently contribute to recommendations including use of key characteristics.

Target Audience

DBC ONLY - Social Care Practitioners who undertake Care Assessments

Choice of Dates, Times & Venues

  • Thursday 26 September 2024 from 9.30-4.30pm at Tandem - LIMITED PLACES
  • Wednesday 16 October 2024 from 9.30-4.30pm at Tandem - LIMITED PLACES




Beacon Training

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Diploma in Health & Social Care Levels 2 & 3 (Adults)

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Sessions will cover the following:

  • promote communication
  • engage in personal development
  • promote equality & inclusion
  • principles for implementing duty of care

Staff will then choose a specific pathway relevant to their role. Qualification will take between 6-18 months to complete.

Target Audience

DBC ONLY - Direct care staff who work with adults on a regular basis

Dates, Times & Venues

The diplomas are run on a rolling programme & can be accessed at any time during the year. Please note this qualification is no longer run by the Workforce Development Team, please contact Learning & Skills for further information: l&[email protected] 


This course is free to DBC  staff who require the qualification as part of their job role


Learning & Skills, Darlington Borough Council

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Family Group Conference Service Briefing

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Family Group Conferencing is a family led decision making meeting in which a child’s wider family network come together to make a plan about the future arrangements for the child. This briefing will look at:

  • the function of a Family Group Conference
  • the process of requesting a Family Group Conference 
  • when is the best time to discuss a Family Group Conference.

Target Audience

DBC ONLY - Mandatory for any member of staff within Children's Services who is likely to be involved in a Family Group Conference, particularly those new to the department including agency workers

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Thursday 7 November 2024 from 1.30-3.00pm via MS Teams




Brooke Fenwick or Faith Hirst, Darlington Borough Council 

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Food Safety & Hygiene for Catering - Level 2

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This course is accredited by City & Guilds. The module covers the following areas:

  • individual responsibility for food safety
  • the importance of personal hygiene
  • how to keep the working area clean & hygienic
  • how to receive & store food safely
  • preparing, cooking and handling food safely.

Target Audience

DBC Staff - Children's & Adult Services only - it is recommended that anyone who has NOT already completed Food Safety training should complete the Train4Food e-learning module. For further details email: Workforce Development If you only require a refresher then you should complete the Food Safety e-learning module through Academy 10.





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Food Safety & Hygiene - Level 2 (Refresher)

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This course is RoSPA accredited. At the end of the module, delegates will:

  • understand the impact of food-borne illness
  • be able to identify food hazards & take steps to reduce this risk
  • be able to recall & implement the four Cs of food safety
  • know the importance of using HACCP to comply with food safety laws.

Target Audience

DBC Staff - Children's & Adult Services only - this is available through Academy 10 




Academy 10

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Gypsy & Traveller Cultural Awareness

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This session will look at the discrimination the Gypsy & Traveller community face in everyday life & the difficulties they face in navigating the world & accessing universal services. You will also explore ways to engage.

Target Audience

Any practitioner working with Gypsy & Traveller families in Darlington

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Thursday 7 November 2024 from 9.30-11.30am at Tandem
  • Tuesday 12 November 2024 from 9.30-11.30am at Tandem




Selena Costello, Traveller Education Service

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Hidden Sentence Awareness

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This session will help delegates:

  • understand the impact of imprisonment on prisoners’ families
  • improve understanding of the prison system
  • understand the support needs of prisoners’ families
  • understand the needs and wishes of prisoners’ families
  • understand how to improve the coordination of services to provide more effective support for those affected by the imprisonment of a family member
  • understand how to improve own practice in supporting prisoners’ families.

For more information click on the following link: Flyer [pdf document]

Target Audience

Any practitioner working with families in Darlington who are affected by a family member being in prison

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Wednesday 25 September 2024 from 9.30-12.00pm via Zoom
  • Thursday 17 October 2024 from 9.30-12.00pm at Tandem





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Infection, Prevention & Control

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course delegates will have covered the following:

  • principles of infection prevention & control including the chain of infection
  • causes & spread of infection
  • common pathogens
  • infection control risk assessments
  • standard precautions
  • management of blood & body fluid spills
  • safer management of sharps & inoculation injuries
  • cleaning, decontamination & waste management
  • outbreak recognition
  • where to obtain further information, assistance & policies
  • applying what you know to where you work.

Target Audience


Dates, Times & Venues

  • TBC

*Please note this training will start promptly at 10.00am & if you are more than 20 minutes late at the start you will be turned away*




Cherry Stephenson, Public Health Protection Officer

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Liquid Logic

For details of Liquid Logic training, contact Chris Burnside, Systems Trainer.

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People Handling Certificate (Moving & Handling of People)

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This session will cover general topics such as H&S legislation, risk assessments, responsibility of the employer/employee and similar, as well as the following more targeted areas:

  • mobility  -  stand/ sit/ walk/ transfers
  • wheelchair – pushing & pulling – safe use of
  • hoisting – chair to chair (where appropriate to service)
  • seating – chair choice
  • toileting assistance.

Please note there are some online resources available on the intranet: Resources

Target Audience

DBC People Group

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Friday 20 September 2024 from 9.15-4.45pm at Medequip, Unit 3 Beaumont Square, Newton Aycliffe DL5 6XN - FULLY BOOKED
  • Monday 7 October 2024 from 9.15-4.45pm at Medequip, Unit 3 Beaumont Square, Newton Aycliffe DL5 6XN (THE LINKS STAFF ONLY)
  • Tuesday 5 November 2024 from 9.15-4.45pm at Medequip, Unit 3 Beaumont Square, Newton Aycliffe DL5 6XN
  • Thursday 12 December 2024 from 9.15-4.45pm at Foundations (FOUNDATIONS STAFF ONLY)




Edge Training

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Professor Thorpe ‘Power of Conversation’

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This session will:

  • introduce the Thorpe model & increase understanding
  • look at relationship-based practice & having conversations rather than exchanging bits of paper
  • increase confidence about “holding the risk” when appropriate
  • enable families to get the right service at the right time
  • learning how the approach allows social workers to use their professional curiosity & skills to the max.

Target Audience

DBC ONLY - All Children’s Social Care Workers including BSF, YEJS.

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Thursday 14 November 2024 from 10.00-11.30am via MS Teams
  • Thursday 13 March 2025 from 10.00-11.00am via MS Teams




Nicola Brownhill, Darlington Borough Council

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Reducing Parental Conflict Pathway

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

The Darlington Reducing Parental Conflict Pathway ensures parents get the right support to help reduce arguments, disagreements & tension in their relationship, which is a benefit for children & the whole family. The session will look at: how to identify parental conflict & use the Darlington Parental relationship spectrum & Pathway to signpost parents to the right support / the causes of parental conflict & why it matters for children & their outcomes / practical tips for managing situations of parental conflict using the Darlington RPC toolkit. Please click on the following link: Flyer [pdf document]

Target Audience

Health Visitors, School Nurses, Family Liaison & Pastoral School Staff, Social Workers, SEND Workers, Police & Children's Mental Health Workers working in Darlington

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Thursday 10 October 2024 from 9.30-2.30pm at Tandem




Martin Todd, Changing Futures North East

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Relational Practice Development Sessions

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

  • TBC

Target Audience

  • DBC Staff Only - Children's Front Door

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Wednesday 18 September 2024 from 12.00-2.00pm in the Seminar Room, Dolphin Centre
  • Wednesday 16 October 2024 from 12.00-2.00pm in the Stephenson Suite, Dolphin Centre




Nicola Brownhill, Service Manager, Darlington Borough Council

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Relational Practice Development 1 - What makes a good assessment & plan?

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

  • how we engage partners 
  • expectations re direct work with children
  • assessment planning 
  • analysis - so what?
  • consent discussion.

Target Audience

  • DBC Staff Only - Assessment & Safeguarding Teams & CWD Team

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Wednesday 25 September 2024 from 10.00-12.00pm - venue TBC




Andi Nevet, Service Manager, Darlington Borough Council

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Relational Practice Development 2 - Legal Planning for Children

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

  • Legal pathway - what does this look like?
  • what is PLO & how should it be utilised?
  • different orders & what they mean
  • expert assessments - when do we need these? What's the difference between psychiatric & psychological assessments?
  • assessing parents with learning needs 
  • how to plan to issue first & final.

Target Audience

  • DBC Staff Only - Assessment & Safeguarding Teams & CWD Team

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Wednesday 23 October 2024 from 10.00-12.00pm at Tandem




Andi Nevet, Service Manager, Darlington Borough Council

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Relational Practice Development 3 - Direct Work

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

  • how we capture the voice of children
  • what this means & reasons for this
  • how do we record this?
  • sharing tools & examples.

Target Audience

  • DBC Staff Only - Assessment & Safeguarding Teams & CWD Team

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Wednesday 20 November 2024 from 10.00-12.00pm at Tandem




Andi Nevet, Service Manager, Darlington Borough Council

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Relational Practice Development 4

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

  • TBC

Target Audience

  • DBC Staff Only - Assessment & Safeguarding Teams & CWD Team

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Wednesday 4 December 2024 from 10.00-12.00pm at Tandem




Andi Nevet, Service Manager, Darlington Borough Council

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Safeguarding Adults & Children

For details of Safeguarding Adults & Safeguarding Children training, visit the Darlington Safeguarding Partnership Website [external link]

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Social Communication & Behaviour Characteristics in the Early Years

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

  • The training aims to examine behaviour in this age range that could be indicative of further issues in development.
  • It will cover the features of Autism, FASD, as well as an exploration of how environmental factors could influence the development of age-appropriate behaviours.
  • The focus will be on understanding individual behaviours and supporting children to develop the skills they need to learn and thrive separate to whether a diagnostic process is being followed or not.

Target Audience

Any professionals working with children in the 0-5 age range in Darlington

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Tuesday 1 October 2024 from 9.30-11.30am in the Pease Suite, Dolphin Centre
  • Thursday 30 January 2025 from 1.30-3.30pm via MS Teams




Anne Davison, SEND and Inclusion Advisory Lead, Darlington Borough Council

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Solution Focused Practice

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This 1 day course will introduce all the major components of solution-focused conversations & provide opportunities to practise the skills involved. As well as developing these skills & confidence in using them, participants will also develop an understanding of the underlying principles.

Target Audience

DBC ONLY - Children's & Adult Services

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Thursday 19 September 2024 from 9.30-4.00pm at Tandem
  • Tuesday 15 October 2024 from 9.30-4.00pm at Tandem
  • Thursday 21 November 2024 from 9.30-4.00pm at Tandem




Martin Webster & Jill Adams, Darlington Borough Council

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Strengthening Families: Restorative Practice Online Awareness Session

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

An online digital training package is available for those who have not yet undertaken the Strengthening Families Awareness Raising session. The 3 hour session has been broken down into 5 short videos which can be accessed & completed separately. The themes of the five part programme are:

  • Part 1: Relationships are key
  • Part 2: Living our values
  • Part 3: The four ways of being
  • Part 4: Making decisions fairly & working 'with'
  • Part 5: Using restorative language

Target Audience

  • Mandatory for DBC People Group who work with Children & Families - to access please visit the Intranet / Workforce Development / Training Course Materials / Strengthening Families
  • Multi Agency staff who work with Children & Families - to access please email [email protected]




Training package by Leeds Relational Practice Centre

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Team Teach

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This 2 day programme will look at personal safety, risk reduction strategies (de-escalation), a range of positive handling & interventions together with a focus on policy, documentation & legal guidance.

Target Audience

Any member of DBC staff in a medium risk service area

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Wednesday 23 October 2024 & Thursday 24 October 2024 from 9.30-4.30pm at Tandem Hub (Morton Park Business Training Centre)




Simon Holding, Team Teach

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Team Teach Refresher

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This session is a refresher of the full 12 hour programme, it will look at personal safety, risk reduction strategies (de-escalation), a range of positive handling & interventions together with a focus on policy, documentation & legal guidance.

Target Audience

DBC People Group - any member of staff who has previously completed the Team Teach accreditation (within the last 2 years) & requires a refresher

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Wednesday 9 October 2024 from 9.30-4.30pm at Foundations - FOUNDATIONS ONLY
  • Tuesday 15 October 2024 from 9.30-4.30pm at Tandem Hub (Morton Park Business Training Centre)
  • Tuesday 5 November 2024 from 9.30-4.30pm at Tandem Hub (Morton Park Business Training Centre)




Team Teach

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Understanding the EHCP Process, the Role of the Professionals & the Graduated Response

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session delegates will:

  • understand the role of professionals in the assessment process
  • understand the circumstances under which an EHC request is appropriate
  • understand the term ‘graduated response’ and professionals role in supporting this
  • review the EHC timeline.

Target Audience

  • Any professionals working with children and young people in Darlington who have or may require an EHC Plan

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Friday 11 October 2024 from 9.30-11.30am via MS Teams
  • Thursday 16 January 2025 from 9.30-11.30am via MS Teams




Anne Davison, SEND and Inclusion Advisory Lead, Darlington Borough Council

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Youth Justice Awareness

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

This half day session will give an:

  • introduction to Youth Offending services & their structure
  • an understanding of the way in which young people (YP) are assessed & how their level of intervention is decided
  • an overview of the different disposals & orders which a YP can receive from Police/Courts
  • a mini intervention ‘taster’
  • an exploration of Restorative Justice & processes contained within disposals & YOS work
  • a look at welfare versus justice
  • summary of custody options for YP.

Target Audience

Anyone interested in learning more about the Youth Justice System, attendees from all backgrounds & services are welcome. It is specifically relevant for partner agencies & services with direct contact with young people. Service or team specific sessions could be delivered either via Teams or in person for groups of 5+

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Tuesday 17 September 2024 from 9.45-12.30pm via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 19 November 2024 from 9.45-12.30pm via MS Teams

To book a place please email: [email protected]




Michael Barr, Youth Justice Service

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Moving Forward - Understanding Domestic Abuse

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Day 1- Understanding Domestic Abuse 

This session will focus on the victim & the victim's viewpoint. We will look at what victims face from the minute an incident reaches the point of reporting to relevant services and what can occur in the time between incident & intervention from specialist services. This session is going to shift the narrative around blame, around shaming victims and it is going to refocus on the language we use and the impact that this can have on victims. This session will answer questions and you will be free to ask questions you want to know about working with victims of domestic abuse.

Day 2- Understanding the Workbooks

This session will focus on how to use the workbooks and share the experiences with the extremely strong people that have become victims of domestic abuse through no fault of their own. Any insecurities and worries will be ironed out so you can feel confident that you can deliver the best support to the person you are working with. You will undertake some exercises from the workbook and there will be some fictional case studies to work through. You will receive a copy of the workbook to take away. 

Target Audience

DBC Staff Only - Primarily Assessment & Safeguarding teams & targeted teams in Adults

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Cohort 7 - Wednesday 2 October 2024 & Wednesday 16 October 2024 from 9.30-4.30pm at Tandem - FULLY BOOKED
  • Cohort 8 - Monday 2 June 2025 & Monday 16 June 2025 from 9.30-4.30pm at Tandem 
  • Cohort 9 - Thursday 3 July 2025 & Thursday 17 July 2025 from 9.30-4.30pm at Tandem 
  • Cohort 10 - Monday 8 September 2025 & Monday 22 September 2025 from 9.30-4.30pm at Tandem 




Helen Miley

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Moving Forward - The Children's Journey Workbook

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

The Children's Journey is a little guide for children aged 3-10 years. The guide walks the child through the confusing emotions that they might feel when they love their parents and feel upset by their behaviour. The book has interactive segments and break out time and guides the child on what to do if they feel scared at home and how to keep themselves safe. 

Target Audience

DBC Staff Only - Primarily Assessment & Safeguarding teams & targeted teams in Adults

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Wednesday 9 April 2025 from 9.30-12.30pm at Tandem - FULLY BOOKED
  • Wednesday 9 April 2025 from 1.30-4.30pm at Tandem




Helen Miley

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Moving Forward - Challenging Behaviour Workbook

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Challenging Behaviour and how to change focuses on perpetrators behaviour and guides them into accepting their behaviour and owning it. Challenging behaviour is not something people are born with or born to do and they manifest from learnt behaviours or beliefs. Perpetrators can change and those who know they display worrying behaviour want to change. The programme believes that people can change with the right guidance and support and that is what this workbook is about. It is challenging, emotional and not for the faint hearted, but to know that you have been part of change for the better is worth that.

Target Audience

DBC Staff Only - Primarily Assessment & Safeguarding teams & targeted teams in Adults

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Thursday 3 April 2025 from 9.30-4.30pm at Tandem - FULLY BOOKED
  • Tuesday 6 May 2025 from 9.30-4.30pm at Tandem - FULLY BOOKED




Helen Miley

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Moving Forward - Post Course Impact Analysis & Virtual Check in 

Aims & Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Once you have completed the training programme you should book onto one of these post course virtual check in sessions which will look at how the programme has impacted your work and discuss any issues you may have. 

Target Audience

DBC Staff Only - Primarily Assessment & Safeguarding teams & targeted teams in Adults

Dates, Times & Venues

  • Friday 11 October 2024 from 10.00-12.00pm via MS Teams
  • Tuesday 21 January 2025 from 10.00-12.00pm via MS Teams
  • Friday 6 June 2025 from 10.00-12.00pm via MS Teams
  • Thursday 11 September 2025 from 10.00-12.00pm via MS Teams
  • Wednesday 3 December 2025 from 10.00-12.00pm via MS Teams
  • Friday 6 March 2026 from 10.00-12.00pm via MS Teams




Helen Miley

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DBC Community Care Inform Licence Holders

There are lots of resources / practice guides available on CCI regarding Learning Disability including:

  • how to help adults with learning disabilities develop safe & healthy intimate relationships
  • how to identify & assess parents with learning disabilities, plus tips & advice on engaging & communicating with them.
  • an understanding of what mate crime is, who perpetrates it & how to identify it.
  • how to recognise forced marriage of adults with learning disabilities & the different way it can present to forced marriage of those without learning disabilities.

For more information visit the following website: Learning Disability Knowledge & Practice Hub [external website]

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Council for Disabled Children E-Learning Modules

Council for Disabled Children is delighted to announce the launch of the new SEND Basic Awareness e-learning course. It is a freely available, self-guided e-learning tool & is intended to improve level 1 & 2 practitioners’ knowledge & understanding of the Children & Families Act, the SEND Code of Practice, the Local Offer, the graduated approach, the EHC needs assessment process & many other topics around SEND.

CDC was commissioned by senior Health colleagues in the South East to develop e-learning modules to support the SEND Health Training Assurance Framework. These modules have been developed in collaboration with practitioners, senior leaders & parent carers to meet the needs of members of staff working at levels 1 and 2.

Click on the following link for more information: Council for Disabled Children [external website]

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Learning & Skills Distance Learning

Learning & Skills provide distance learning courses on the following subjects:

Health Care / Social Care

  • Prevention and Control of Infection in Health Care Settings
  • Safe Handling of Medication in Health and Social Care
  • Care and Management of Diabetes
  • Dignity and Safeguarding in Adult Health and Social Care
  • Common Childhood Illnesses
  • Principles of Dementia Care
  • Common Health Conditions
  • Principles of End of Life Care
  • Falls Prevention Awareness
  • Substance Misuse Awareness

Learning Difficulties and Disabilities

  • Working with Individuals with Learning Disabilities
  • Understanding Behaviour that Challenges
  • Understanding Behaviour that Challenges in Children
  • Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties
  • Understanding Autism

Mental Health

  • Awareness of Mental Health Problems
  • Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health
  • Self Harm and Suicide Awareness and Prevention
  • Awareness of Bullying in Children and Young People
  • Understanding Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace 


  • Understanding Nutrition and Health
  • Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent
  • Certificate in Counselling
  • Principles of Customer Service
  • Principles of Team Leading
  • Understanding Retail Operations
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Information, Advice and Guidance
  • Principles of Warehousing

For further details please click on the following link: Learning & Skills

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Mental Capacity Act E Learning Course

SCIE's updated, CPD-accredited online course explores the Mental Capacity Act 2005, including best interests decision-making & how to support people to make their own decisions. It's for everyone who looks after or cares for someone, for example, doctors, nurses, care assistants, social workers & family members. Click on the following link: MCA E Learning Course [external website]

The MS Society - MS Awareness Course

A new, free online course is available for care workers & social care staff developed by people with MS & health & social care professionals and produced in partnership with Grey Matter Learning. The course explores the different types of MS, how it impacts the care people may need & how to support people with MS.

An accreditation is available from Grey Matter Learning – details are at the end of the course. Click on the following link for more information: The MS Society [external website] 

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Zero Suicide Alliance

Anybody can learn to save a life in under 10 minutes.

Zero Suicide Alliance teaches you how to identify, understand & help someone who maybe experiencing suicidal thoughts. 

There are various modules to choose from, for more information please visit the following website: Zero Suicide Alliance [external website].

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North East & North Cumbria Programme for Alcohol Studies

A comprehensive training programme to equip the workforce with the skills to prevent & manage alcohol related harm. Please click on the following link for more information: Programme [external website]

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