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Key data for Darlington

This page provides the most up to date data sources for Darlington borough.


Darlington Census insight [external link]

This page shows how Darlington has changed between the 2011 and 2021 census.

Local Insight [external link]

This resource allows you to find, explore and use a wide range of facts and figures at different geographic levels for Darlington and the surrounding area.


Darlington labour market profile [external link]

Thriving places index

Darlington Thriving Places Index Scorecard 2019 [external link]

Crime and safety

The website [external link] provides neighbourhood level information on crime in the Durham Constabulary area


Darlington Local Authority Health Profile [external link]

Public Health England also produce local authority profiles [external link] covering specific public health issues - from child health to end of life care                           

Local Health [external link] is a tool by Public Health England with more health data mapped for areas within the borough


Search for data by schools and local authority with national comparators from the Department of Education


The National Highways and Transport Network Public Satisfaction Survey measures public satisfaction with highways and transport services, as well as travel behaviour. It is a national survey and allows benchmarking of performance between local highway authorities. Results are available at the National Highways and Transport members website [external link]

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