Annual review of significant partnerships
The annual review of significant partnerships is taken to Audit Committee in July of each year. The review enables the Audit Committee to consider the partnerships that the Council is involved with. The Audit Committee also ensures that there is adequate governance arrangements in place.
As part of that process an annual review proforma is completed by the relevant Council officer for each partnership. These are used to assess achievements against objectives, identify any areas for improvement or risk.
This report gives a summary of specific remedial actions required by each significant partnership to achieve full compliance with the Council’s governance requirements. The reports also identify what Council resources, if any, are being used to support the partnerships.
- 11-19 partnership annual review form 2023 [pdf document]
- Creative Darlington annual review form 2023 [pdf document]
- Darlington community safety partnership annual review form 2023 [pdf document]
- Darlington safeguarding partnership annual review form 2023 [pdf document]
- Education Strategy Group Partnership annual review form 2023 [pdf document]
- Public sector executives group annual review form 2023 [pdf document]
- Young peoples justice and engagement services annual review form 2023 [pdf document]