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Information for the induction tutor

Registering your ECT for induction

From 1st September 2023, schools with new ECTs must appoint a Teaching School Hub as the Appropriate Body.  Details of Teaching School Hubs [external link]

Progress reviews and formal assessments

  • ECTs should receive 2 formal assessments during their 2 year induction; an assessment midway through induction and a final assessment at the end. Based on a full-time ECT, a formal assessment should be completed towards the end of term 3 and the final assessment should be completed towards the end of term 6. 
  • The Induction Tutor is expected to review the ECT’s progress against the Teachers’ Standards [external link] throughout the induction period, with progress reviews taking place in each term where a formal assessment is not scheduled.
  • For ECTs registered with us, please send completed progress reviews and formal assessments to [email protected] as per the dates below.
  • If your ECT leaves the school / college before completing the induction period, you must complete an interim assessment to make sure that the induction can be continued effectively in any subsequent post.

The dates below are based on a full-time ECT who started their 2 year induction on 1 September 2022 and are only applicable to those ECTs who are registered with us​. For dates for ECTs who started their induction part-way through the year or are part-time, please contact [email protected]

  • Autumn term 2023 – Friday 8 December 2023
  • Spring term 2024 - Friday 22 March 2024
  • Summer term - Friday 12 July 2024

Induction tutor networks

Meetings for Tutors with ECTs registered with us will be held throughout the year and further details will be shared with Tutors soon. 

ECT induction essential documents

ECT induction useful links

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