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Fly tipping and needles

There has been a problem!


Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of waste.

You can report a fly tip by using the green button above. If you have information about the person or people involved please let us know.

All information will be sent out to our civic enforcement officers who will look into it. If they can, they will fine the people involved or send them to court.

Fly tippers could face a fine of up to £50,000 and a prison sentence of up to five years.

We can also give out fixed penalty notices (FPNs) to anyone caught littering, leaving out rubbish or dumping unwanted household items. FPNs can be up to £400.

FPNs save the council time and money instead of having to go through the courts. An officer can use an FPN if they think it is suitable.

If you report a fly tip we need to know:

  • Where it is - including road names and landmarks so we can find it.
  • Details of any vehicles involved; make, model and registration (if known).
  • What has been tipped and how much.
  • A description of the people involved (if known).
  • Tell us if you’d be happy to give a witness statement about what you have seen.

Please do not touch anything in the fly tip for your own safety and to make sure evidence is kept safe.

You can also call 01325 405111 if the fly tip is dangerous. For example it could be a fire risk, blocking a path, it could contain asbestos or if there are needles.

Fly tipping on private land is investigated by environmental health. To report it call 01325 405111, option 5 or email [email protected]


If needles have human blood or fluids then they may be a source of viruses such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV. It is rare these illnesses are passed on from a needle but they are a danger.

If the needles are on the street, a back lane or open space there is no charge for removal. Please don’t touch anything and contact us immediately at [email protected] or on 01325 405111, option 5. Remember to tell us where the needles are.

If the needles are in commercial premises, such as a shop or restaurant, there is a charge to collect them. Call 01325 405111 for details.

We do not remove needles from domestic properties, but you can find services that will remove them by looking online.

Never touch a needle with your bare hands!

Help make our streets cleaner

We want individuals, community groups, schools and businesses to take greater pride in our streets and work together to keep them clean and tidy.

We want people to take pride in where they live, not to throw litter on the ground and to take action if they see litter.

Litter is everyone’s problem - we need to tackle it together.

Why not become a Street Champion, join a local litter pick or even organise your own event?

Many residents and businesses look after verges near their home or building. You can help by keeping the verge near your home tidy and clear of litter, or by cutting the grass. Cuttings can be left on the verges to compost back into the soil.

Avoid parking on grass verges, where possible. This will help to prevent damage and make them easier to look after.


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