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Estate Inspections 2024

We carry out regular inspections at each of our estates.  An inspection is an excellent opportunity to identify any issues that need dealing with and speak to residents about their concerns or matters they wish to bring to our attention.  A member of the housing team will attend and they will be joined by representatives from other organisations and agencies who also work in the area such as the police or Street Scene.  A local councillor will often attend too.

The schedule of estate inspections for 2024 can be viewed here[pdf document].  Why not check when we will be in your area and come along and speak to us if there is something in your area that is concerning you.  More details about meeting points and times can be found below.  We also post updates on our Facebook page [external webpage] so please follow us and keep up to date with activities in your area.

Housing colleagues on a recent estate inspection

Estate Inspection details

Please click on the link for your area to view meeting locations, dates & times.

Albert Hill [pdf document]

Bank Top [pdf document]

Firthmoor [pdf document]

Hundens Lane/Dinsdale Crescent [pdf document]

Lascelles [pdf document]

Middleton St George [pdf document]

Park Place/Hargreave Terrace [pdf document]

Rise Carr [pdf document]

Skerne Park [pdf document]

Whinfield [pdf document]

Branksome [pdf document]

Cockerton [pdf document]

Haughton [pdf document]

Heatherwood Grove [pdf document]

Hurworth & Sadberge [pdf document]

Lingfield & McMullen Road [pdf document]

North Riverside [pdf document]

Redhall [pdf document]

Springfield [pdf document]

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