Northumbrian Water Social Tariff
We collect water charges as part of your rent charges, unless you have a water meter. There are a number of options if you are having difficulties with this charge or need additional support from Northumbrian Water.
Water meter
You can apply for a water meter to be installed direct through Northumbrian Water. If you do not use a lot of water this may be a more affordable option for you.
You can check to see if this would save you money by using the water use calculator on the Northumbrian Waterwater meter webpage [external link].
Low Income Discount scheme
Over the last 2 years we have helped our tenants to access over £572K in additional money from Northumbrian Water to help towards their water charges.
To check your initial eligibility for this discount, contact our Tenancy Sustainment team who can check your eligibility and help you make a claim. Further information about the scheme is available on the Northumbrian Waterdiscount scheme webpage [external link].
Priority Service
Northumbrian Water offer a priority service to those who need extra support due to age, disability, mobility issues, illness, mental health, life changes, communication needs, or have children under five.
You can find out more in the Northumbrian Waterpriority services webpage [external link], or contact our Tenancy Sustainment team.
How to contact us
There are several ways you can contact us:
- Using your Darlington Home Online account. Register for a Darlington Home Online account[external link] orlog in to your account[external link]. More information on your Darlington Home Online account.
- Emailing [email protected]
- Calling us on 01325 405333
Any emergency repairs can be reported to 01325 405333 24/7 365 days a year.
What if I am not satisfied with the response?
We hope that we can work together with our residents and listen to their voices and resolve any problems, but if you are unhappy with the response from the Housing team we have a complaints procedure you can follow and you can contact our Complaints Team by:
- using their online complaints form
- emailing: [email protected]
- calling the Complaints team on 01325 406777