Case Studies
Lifeline and Assistive Technologies
Case study 1
Client X is an elderly lady whose mobility and cognitive abilities have declined due to age and frailty. She lives alone and has a cognitive impairment but no formal diagnosis which impacts on her memory and mood. X has difficulties to understand and remember important information.
X lacks capacity in relation to her care and support needs, but has strongly emphasised she will not leave her home.
She has a high level of care and support needs due to risks and vulnerabilities. Carers visits 4 x daily, but remains at risk of falls and risks from others accessing the property.
A robust assessment has been completed and with regular multi-disciplinary teams and monitoring from the Court of Protection. X has been able to remain at home with falls detector and smoke alarm all linked to life line as well as a door sensor.
Without the equipment, there would be concerns about X remaining at home. The use of the equipment is managing these risks but also promoting X views, wishes and choices.
Case study 2
Client Y was admitted to hospital because of a suspected stroke. However a CT head scan revealed a cerebral infarct in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery.
Y has severe receptive and expressive dysphasia and requires all needs to be anticipated. Y is unable to reliably communicate and receives assistance from lifeline and other assistive technology that can automatically detect risks to ensure his safety. Following hospital admission, Y remained in residential care placement for 9 months for a further assessment. To be discharged home it was felt support would be required 24 hours and the following equipment was identified to meet needs and ensure safety:
- Lifeline Assistive Technology - Falls Detector
- Lifeline Assistive Technology - Carbon Monoxide alarm
- Lifeline Assistive Technology - Smoke Detector
Assistive technology and care package has enabled Y to return home and improve independence and prevent from residing permanently in a care home.