People first
Every single service offered online will put service users at the centre, designed from the service user perspective.
All services will be easy to use and navigate with the aim of service users finding the information they require and a time suitable to them
A digitally skilled workforce
A highly confident and skilled workforce will support our service users in accessing services online, ensuring the aim of the strategy is delivered
To reduce or eliminate where possible unnecessary effort that we have a range of appropriate and accessible on-line tools for use by staff, people, carers, and external agencies
Optimise how resources are used to ensure we work with those who need us
Digital first/channel of choice
Our online services will be so easy to use that service users will choose this as their channel of choice.
Meet growing demand
We can meet growing demand for adult social care and target resources where they are most needed.
Service improvement of Adult Social Care services
To use digital tools to enable community capacity and manage service demands by enabling people to help themselves.