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Neighbourhood planning

General guidance

Central Government introduced the neighbourhood planning system via the Localism Act 2011 [external link]. Through the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans, communities can develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. 

For example communities are able to:

  • choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built;
  • have their say on what those new buildings should look like; and
  • grant planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead.

The National Planning Practice Guidance provides information on neighbourhood planning. It sets out the key stages in the process of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan including, designating a neighbourhood area, preparing a draft neighbourhood plan, the independent examination and the referendum.

Once a Neighbourhood Plan or Order is formally adopted by the Council, it becomes part of the statutory planning framework for the area.

The Council’s role

A Local Planning Authority must take decisions at key stages in the neighbourhood planning process within certain time limits. It must also provide advice or assistance to organisations who are producing a Neighbourhood Plan or Order.

If you require any assistance with neighbourhood planning please contact the planning policy team at [email protected] 01325 406724.

Neighbourhood plan areas

On 29 May 2014 Blackwell Neighbourhood Forum and the associated area were formally designated by Darlington Borough Council. A Neighbourhood Forum is a way that residents within a non-parished area can form a group with powers to influence how their community is developed within a designated area. Attached is a copy of the decision notice and a map outlining the designated area

On 26 May 2017 Hurworth parish council was formally designated as a Neighbourhood Area, for the purpose of preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan.

The record of the Delegated Executive Decision and the Hurworth Neighbourhood Plan Statement, including a plan of the area designated, can be seen in the link below:

On 26 May 2017 Low Coniscliffe and Merrybent parish was formally designated as a Neighbourhood Area.

The record of the Delegated Executive Decision and the statement in support of a Neighbourhood Plan for Low Coniscliffe and Merrybent, including a plan of the area designated, can be seen in the link below:

Low Coniscliffe and Merrybent Designation Delegated Decision and Neighbourhood Plan Statement [pdf document]

Preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan was undertaken by the parish council and began in 2017. The Council carried out consultation on a Submission Draft Neighbourhood Plan in December 2018.

An Independent Examination took place at the beginning of 2019. The Examiners Report recommended that subject to a number of proposed modifications the Plan should proceed to referendum. The Council accepted the recommendations and was satisfied that the plan could proceed to referendum.

The Examiner’s Report and the Council’s Decision Statement:

The referendum took place on the 23 May 2019 and there was a majority vote in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan and Council’s Decision Statement to make the plan can be viewed below.

Decisions on planning applications must be made in accordance with policies in the Low Coniscliffe and Merrybent Neighbourhood Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

On 1 July 2014 Middleton St George parish council (in association with Low Dinsdale parish council) was formally designated as a Neighbourhood Area.

The relevant Cabinet report and a map outlining the designated area can be viewed in the links below:

In January 2019, Middleton St George parish council applied to Darlington Borough Council for a new Neighbourhood Area to reflect changes in the parish boundary.  Following a statutory consultation period it was considered that the Neighbourhood Area should be designated on the 14 May 2019.

Delegated report including a map of the area [pdf document].

Preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan was undertaken by the parish council which began in spring 2019. The Council carried out consultation on a Submission Draft Neighbourhood Plan in autumn 2019.

The Independent Examination was undertaken in spring 2022. The examiner’s report suggested changes but stated that the plan could proceed to a referendum. The council considered the examiner’s report and accepted the recommendations.

A referendum took place on Thursday 11 August 2022 and the Neighbourhood Plan received a majority vote in favour.

Decision statement by the Council to 'make' (adopt) the Neighbourhood Plan [pdf document]

View the Neighbourhood Plan [pdf document]

Decisions on planning applications must be made in accordance with policies in the Middleton St George Neighbourhood Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

On 15 May 2013, Sadberge parish council Neighbourhood Area was formally designated as a Neighbourhood Area.

A copy of the decision notice and a map outlining the designated area can be seen in the links below:

Further to discussion at the meeting of the parish Council on 13 January 2015, it was decided not to proceed any further with the Sadberge Neighbourhood Plan.

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