Adopted local plan 2016 - 2036
- The Darlington Local Plan 2016-2036 was adopted by the Council on 17 February 2022.
- It was adopted after independent examination by the Planning Inspector between 2021 and 2022.
Darlington Borough Local Plan Adopted February 2022 [pdf document]
Darlington Policies Map [pdf document]
Click on the drop down lists below to view the Local Plan Documents.
CD03 Darlington Borough Local Plan 2016-2036 (Regulation 19) Sustainability Appraisal [pdf document]
CD05 Statement of Common Ground including Duty to Co-operate [pdf document]
CD07 Habitat Regulations Appropriate Assessment - screening report [pdf document]
CD08 Local Plan Viability Assessment [pdf document]
- Appendix A-F Residential viability testing study [pdf document]
- Appendix G - Commercial viability testing [excel document]
- Appendix H-K - Costar export lease comps report [pdf document]
- Appendix L - Costar office lease cops table 2 years [excel document]
- Appendix M - Costar retail lease cops table 2 years [excel document]
- Appendix N-T - Lease comps details [pdf document]
- Addendum to CD08 Local Plan viability assessment [pdf document]
PD01 Consultation Statement [pdf document]
PD03 Darlington Local Plan Equality Impact Assessment 2020 [pdf document]
Adopted Local Plan documents
SD55 Low Coniscliffe and Merrybent Parish Neighbourhood plan [pdf document]
SD56 Planning Obligations SPD (adopted January 2013) [pdf document]
SD57 Core Strategy DPD adopted May 2011 [pdf document]
SD58 Borough of Darlington Local Plan (1997, including alterations 2001) [pdf document]
SD59 Borough of Darlington Local Plan 1997 additional information [pdf document]
SD60 Tees Valley Minerals and Waste Core Strategy DPD (adopted October 2011) [pdf document]
SD61 Tees Valley Minerals and Waste policies and sites DPD October 2011 [pdf document]
SD62 Revised Design of New Development SPD (July 2011) [pdf document]
SD63 Conservation Management Plan for Darlington Town Centre fringe 2010 [pdf document]
SD64 Tees Valley Highways design guide [pdf document]
Flood Risk
SD03 Flood Risk Sequential and Exceptions test 2020 [pdf document]
SD04 Darlington Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk assessment April 2019 [Council webpage]
SD08 Darlington Strategic Housing market assessment 2020 [pdf document]
SD09 Darlington Strategic Housing market assessment 2017 [pdf document]
SD10 HELAA 2017 - due to file size this document has been split into 6 parts.
- Part 1 [pdf document]
- Part 2 [pdf document]
- Part 3 [pdf document]
- Part 4 [pdf document]
- Part 5 [pdf document]
- Part 6 [pdf document]
Gypsy and Traveller accommodation
SD13 Gypsy and Traveller accommodation assessment update 2017 [pdf document]
SD14 Gypsy and Traveller accommodation assessment 2014 [pdf document]
SD15 Darlington Future Employment Needs report 2017 [pdf document]
SD16 Employment Land review 2017 [pdf document]
SD17 Employment Land review 2012 [pdf document]
Town Centres and Retail
SD22 Darlington Town Centre and Retail study, and retail study update 2017 [pdf document]
SD23 Retail and Town Centre study 2014 [pdf document]
SD24 Darlington Town Centre strategy 2019-2030 [pdf document]
SD25 Town Centre action plan 2012 [pdf document]
SD26 Town Centre Fringe master plan 2013 [pdf document]
SD27 The Bank Top station masterplan [pdf document]
Green Space and Heritage
SD28 Local Green Space designation report January 2020 [pdf document]
SD29 Heritage Impact Assessment update 2020 [pdf document]
SD30 Heritage Impact Assessment - Solstice Heritage 2019 - due to file size this document has been split into 6 parts.
- Part 1 [pdf document]
- Part 2 [pdf document]
- Part 3 [pdf document]
- Part 4 [pdf document]
- Part 5 [pdf document]
- Part 6 [pdf document]
SD31 Landscape sensitivity of potential housing sites in Darlington Borough 2019 [pdf document]
SD32 The Impact of growth on demand for sports facilities 2019 [pdf document]
SD33 1825 Stockton and Darlington railway: Historic environment audit 2019 revision [pdf document]
SD35 Darlington Landscape Character Assessment 2015 [pdf document]
SD38 Darlington Green Infrastructure Strategy 2009 [pdf document]
SD39 Darlington Characterisation Study 2009 [pdf document]
SD65 Blackwell Grange Park statement of significance [pdf document]
SD66 Strategic Modelling report [pdf document]
SD67 Coniscliffe Aimsun Modelling [pdf document]
SD68 North Darlington Aimsun Modelling [pdf document]
SD69 A66 Corridor Vissim Model [pdf document]
In addition to the PDF policies map above, an interactive online policies map is also available.
(Best viewed on desktop computer or laptop).