Safety advisory group
If you are planning an outdoor event in Darlington, PESAG (the public event safety advisory group) would like to know about it.
PESAG has been set up to provide advice and guidance to organisers of public events in the Darlington area.
The core members of the group are senior officers from all the emergency services working in the borough of Darlington (Police, Fire and Rescue Service and the Ambulance NHS Trust) and Council services (highways, building control, environmental health and licensing).
PESAG's main objectives are:
- to encourage high levels of safety and welfare at events by giving advice
- to encourage good practice in safety and welfare planning for events
- to ensure events cause minimal adverse effects
All comments and observation made by PESAG are always advisory.
It has no statutory compulsion and organisers are under no obligation to submit information, attend PESAG meetings, or follow PESAG's advice.
However each of the constituent members have their own regulatory role and may exercise their powers independently.
- PESAG protocol [pdf document]
- PESAG event calendar 2025 [pdf document]
What is an event?
Typical examples of events PESAG would look at include:
- fetes and fairs
- open air shows/events
- trade shows
- sporting events
- horse shows, agricultural shows, dog shows, car/caravan shows and similar
- open air entertainment including concerts, music festivals, theatre, opera and historic re-enactments
- firework displays
- large scale company parties
- processions, marches and carnivals
- road races
- street parties
- charity stunts
- religious events
- events in buildings that are not licensed under the Licensing Act 2003
Guidance for organisers
Please read safety guidance for organisers of public events [pdf document] before sending us your proposal. The additional guidance below may also be useful:
- A1 - writing an event plan [pdf document] - how to write an event plan. A blank template is available in additional event forms
- A2 - traffic management and road closures [pdf document] - information if your event will require traffic management or a road closure
- A3 - licensing requirements [pdf document] - information about if you are planning to have alcohol, food or regulated entertainment at your event
- A4 - risk assessments [pdf document] - a risk assessment should be carried out for a proposed event which will consider all the hazards and risks, and the action needed to control them
- A5 - employment of children at events [pdf document] - important issues involved in employing children
- A6 - employment of stewards [pdf document] - when stewards are needed and what qualifications they should have
- A7 - first aid guidance [pdf document] - who can be a first aider and what is expected from them
- A8 - fatalities at an event procedure [pdf document] - what needs to be done in the unlikely event of a death
- A9 - missing and found children procedure [pdf document] - what facilities are needed so that lost children can be cared for
- A10 - food safety guidance [pdf document] - how to safely provide food at a public event
- A10A - BBQ advice for a community group [pdf document]
- A11 - prevention of nuisance [pdf document] - how light and noise pollution and littering can be avoided
- A11A - fireworks displays [pdf document] - advice on put on a fireworks display.
- A12 - temporary and inflatable structure guidance [pdf document] - what you should look out for if having an inflatable structure at your event
- A13 - balloon release guidance [pdf document] - guidance on the acceptable use of balloon releases
- A13A - sky lantern releases [pdf document] - guidance on the release of Sky Lanterns
- A14 - pony rides guidance [pdf document] - what is needed to enable safe pony rides at events
- A15 - contingency planning guidance [pdf document] how to plan for the possibility of an emergency
- A16 - Terrorism and Preventative Security [pdf document]
Using Council land
PESAG is not responsible for giving permission to use Council land or granting licenses for events but it does expect evidence that you have the necessary permissions.
You should also consider what consents and licences you need including possible road closures and planning permission in some exceptional cases.
Get all the application forms together and work out a timetable and find out whom they need to go to.
Obtaining the written permission of the landowner is an important starting point for the event you are planning.
To obtain permission to use Council land (Parks and Open Spaces) make a request to:
Parks & Countryside Ranger Team
The Clock Tower Lodge
South Park
Phone: 01325 406719 / 40579.
email: [email protected].
For the pedestrianised areas of the Town Centre call the Events Team on 01325 406417.
Where a licence is required an application must be submitted separately to licensing: [email protected]
Please Note: Darlington Borough Council does not permit the use of inflatables or bouncy castles on their land.
Notify us of your event
At the earliest opportunity you should advise PESAG of your proposal to organise an event.
This should be done by sending an event notification form (F1) to the environmental health manager, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT.
The form is available as a pdf or a word document.
- event notification form (F1) pdf [pdf document]
- event notification form (F1) word [word document]
It should be accompanied by a site plan showing the detail of entrances/exits and the nearest access roads. Messages and documents may also be sent to [email protected].
If road closures are required then the highways authorities prefer that applications are made more than 12 weeks before the event to allow enough time to carry out a proper risk assessment and to identify the effects on the highway network.
Additional event forms
- F2 - writing an event plan (blank template) [PDF document]
- F3 - risk assessment [word document]
- F4 - fire risk assessment - market stall word [word document] | fire risk assessment - market stall pdf [pdf document] |
- F5 - fire risk assessment - outdoor catering [word document]
- F6 - safety inspection checklist forms (1-3) [word document]
- F8 - missing and found children report form [word document]
- F9 - accident report form [word document] | accident report form pdf [pdf document]
- F10 - food safety risk assessment - outdoor catering [word document]
- F14 - application to operate a pony ride [word document]