Emergency Management Steps
How are agencies across County Durham and Darlington working to ensure the effects of an emergency can be reduced?
- Understanding risks, their cause and the effect they would have locally.
- Partnership working to reduce the likelihood of the risk happening and lessen the negative effect if the risk occurs.
Preparation – Being ready to respond to an incident
- Understanding the effects and consequence of each risk.
- Developing emergency plans and procedures for response to the risks.
- Training staff and testing procedures.
- Matching our capabilities to the needs of each emergency.
- Developing longer-term recovery plans.
- Raising awareness of each organisation’s roles and responsibilities.
- Learning lessons from previous incidents.
- Establishing links for help and assistance from other counties for lengthy or widespread incidents.
Response – Reacting in the event of an incident
- Initial emergency activities (such as public safety, evacuation and shelter, limiting the spread of the incident, search and rescue).
- Initial damage assessment.
- Multi-agency coordination.
- Warning and informing the public.
Recovery – Actions following an incident
- Initial and long-term recovery efforts.
- Re-housing of displaced persons.
- Humanitarian Assistance.
- Regeneration.
- Welfare Arrangements.