Your garden and outdoor space
As a Darlington Borough Council tenant, we want you to be proud of your home and the community you live in. You can help your community by keeping your garden and outdoor spaces in a tidy condition.
Under the terms of your Tenancy Agreement, we expect you to:
- Mow the grass regularly
- Keep hedges, bushes and trees cut back and tidy so that they don't block or obstruct pathways, drives, paths etc or cause a nuisance
- Keep driveways, paths etc clear of weeds
- Don't store rubbish in your garden or outside space (unless in an appropriate bin)
- Keep your fence in good order
If you are not able to manage your garden or outdoor space yourself, you may be eligible for our free garden tidy scheme which can help with cutting the grass and cutting back hedges.
If your home has a communal garden this is for the benefit of all tenants and you should not install fencing, sheds or anything that could cause a nuisance or obstruction.
To find out more information about gardens and shared spaces please see our Gardens and Outdoor Spaces leaflet [pdf document] or you can speak with your Housing Management Officer or Scheme Manager direct.