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CCTV and Smart Doorbells

The use of domestic CCTV cameras and smart doorbells is becoming more common as devices become more affordable and their use more acceptable in society. 

If you're a Darlington Borough Council tenant and you'd like to install CCTV, you will need permission from us.

If you wish to install a smart doorbell and it will show anything other than your own property you will need permission from us.

If your CCTV or smart doorbell system will show anything other than your own property, such as public areas, communal gardens or someone else's home/private property, it is also your responsibility to ensure that it complies with all applicable laws.

There is information about CCTV and domestic cameras such as smart doorbells and the law on the Information Commissioner's Office website[external link].

If you're concerned about a CCTV system that you think does not comply with the guidelines, please contact the Information Commissioner’s Office for advice.

We have compiled an advice leaflet for tenants who wish to install this type of equipment in their home. 

Remember that you must have written permission before undertaking any alterations or improvements to your council home.

Further information

You can find more information around our policies in relation to CCTV and Smart doorbells in our Domestic CCTV Cameras and Smart Doorbells in your Home leaflet [pdf document], by talking to your Housing Management Officer direct or by talking to your Scheme Manager direct.

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