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Public path orders

Confirmed public path orders

Since 2010, the council has confirmed the following public path orders.

These orders amend the definitive map and statement for Darlington.

This information is sent to the Ordnance Survey.

They can amend their map base and include any changes in the next reprint of their maps.

New routes of the public rights of way are way marked.

This make sure they can be followed by anyone using the right of way, but there can be some confusion at times.

The maps included with the path orders below show the current legal route of the right of way.

Confirmed Public Path Orders
Parish Route Number Designation Confirmed Order  Notice of Confirmation Year Confirmed
Sadberge 10 Public Footpath Sadberge path 10 [pdf document]   2010
Little Stainton 3 Public Footpath Little Stainton path 3 [pdf document]   2010
Little Stainton 4 Public Footpath Little Stainton path 4 [pdf document]   2010
Little Stainton 5 Public Footpath Little Stainton path 5 [pdf document]   2010
Little Stainton 5a Public Footpath Little Stainton path 5a [pdf document]   2010
Darlington 64 Public Footpath - with permissive cycling rights Darlington path 64 [pdf document]   2013
Low Coniscliffe 8 Public Footpath - with permissive cycling rights Low Coniscliffe path 8 [pdf document]   2013
Heighington 7 Public Footpath Heighington path 7 [pdf document]   2013
Darlington 63 Public Footpath Darlington path 63 [pdf document]   2014
High Coniscliffe 1 Public Bridleway High Coniscliffe path 1 [pdf document]   2014
High Coniscliffe 3 Public Footpath High Coniscliffe path 3 [pdf document]   2014
Whessoe 1 Public Footpath Whessoe path 1 [pdf document]   2015
Hurworth 16 Public Footpath Hurworth path 16 [pdf document]   2015
Summerhouse 7 Public Footpath Summerhouse path 7 [pdf document]   2015
Darlington 40 Public Footpath (extinguished) Darlington path 40 [pdf document]   2017
Darlington 66 Public Footpath Darlington path 66 [pdf document]   2017
Darlington 55 Public Footpath Darlington 55 [pdf document]   2017
High Coniscliffe 16 Public Bridleway High Coniscliffe 16 [pdf document]   2018
Archdeacon Newton 10 Public Footpath Archdeacon Newton 10 [pdf document]   2018
Archdeacon Newton 9 Public Bridleway Archdeacon Newton 9 [pdf document]   2018
Archdeacon Newton 2 Public Bridleway (extinguished) Archdeacon Newton 2 [pdf document]   2018
Great Stainton 4 Public Footpath Great Stainton 4 [pdf document]   2018
Great Stainton 6 Public Footpath Great Stainton 6 [pdf document]   2018
Low Coniscliffe 4 Public Bridleway Low Coniscliffe 4 [pdf document]   2018
Low Coniscliffe 5 Public Footpath Low Coniscliffe 5 [pdf document]   2018
Sadberge 8 Public Footpath Sadberge 8 [pdf document]   2020
Middleton St. George 10 Public Footpath Middleton St George 10 [pdf document]   2020
Middleton St. George 11 Public Footpath Middleton St George 11 [pdf document]   2020
High Coniscliffe 13 Public Footpath High Coniscliffe 13 [pdf document]   2021
Hurworth 10 Public Footpath Hurworth 10 [pdf document]   2021
Darlington 67 Public Footpath (extinguished) Darlington 67 [pdf document]   2022
Middleton St. George 12 Public Footpath (extinguished) Middleton St George 12 [pdf document]   2022
Middleton St. George 22 Public Footpath Middleton St George 22 [pdf document]   2022
Little Stainton 1 Public Footpath Little Stainton 1 [pdf document] Notice [pdf document] 2023
Little Stainton 2 Public Footpath Little Stainton 2 [pdf document] Notice [pdf document] 2023
Darlington 41 Public Footpath Darlington 41 [pdf document] Notice [pdf document] 2024


Public path order consultations


There are currently no active consultations.


Public path order notices

Parish Public Rights of Way affected Order Order Date Notice
Hurworth Public Footpath 6 Hu Fp 6 Rose Villa First Order - Not Confirmed [pdf document] 4 March 2024 N/A
Hurworth Public Footpath 6 Hu Fp 6 Rose Villa Second Order - Confirmed [pdf document] 3 May 2024 Hu Fp 6 Rose Villa PPO Notice of Confirmation [pdf document]


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