Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and care leavers
Welcome to Darlington
دارلینګټن ته ښه راغلاست
እንቋዕ ናብ ዳርሊንግተን ብደሓን መጻእኩም
مرحبا بكم في دارلينجتون
بەخێربێن بۆ دارلینگتۆن
به دارلینگتون خوش آمدید
- We know that you might be very worried and scared when you arrive in Darlington so we want to reassure you that you will be supported.
- You will be met by your social worker on your day of arrival in Darlington at your new home.
- We will ensure that you have access to a translator in your own language to allow for effective communication. This will be available for every meeting or discussion with your social worker.
- Your social worker will explain to your rights and entitlements. They will get your consent to sign your self into the care of Darlington Borough, if you are of an age that you can do so. You will then become a looked after child.
- We will support you with any items you may need for your faith, such as prayer mat. We will ensure that you know where your local mosque is.
- We will support you with a clothing allowance and weekly living allowance if you are in semi-independent accommodation.
- The virtual school will support you get into an ESOL program in school or college and provide you with a laptop for your studies.
- We will support you to get an immigration solicitor to support you with your immigration claim.
- We will support you to try and get in touch with any family you may have in the UK. We will make a referral to the British Red Cross tracing service for family you may have been separated from.
- If you are 16 or over, once you have been looked after for over 13 weeks you will be allocated a Personal Advisor. You will then be entitled to everything else in the Darlington Borough Councils local offer for care leavers.
- We will give you information so you can access the Refugee Council drop in service in Darlington.