Applying for a school place during the academic year (in-year)
Before you apply, please read the appropriate guide:
- Primary school admission guide 2025-26 [pdf document]
- Secondary school admission guide 2025-26 [pdf document]
The Local Authority co-ordinates the processing of in-year applications for all schools in Darlington Borough. An in-year application refers to any year group from Reception to Y11 once the child has started either a primary or secondary school.
Families who want their child to attend a Darlington school and who are not currently attending a Darlington school, can make an application using the online portal or alternatively can contact the Schools Admissions Team to request a paper application.
We will send parent/carers an in-year application form to complete. You must return this to the Schools Admissions Team for processing.
Admission authorities must notify a parent/carer within 15 school days on receipt of the application as to whether a place will be offered or not.
The admission authority will make a decision about offering a school place if the school is an academy or local authority maintained.
Should however a parent/carer request a place at a school that has no places available, then we will inform you about the appeals process.
Applications from overseas children
In most cases children arriving from overseas have the right to attend schools in England.
Nationals entering the UK who wish to apply for a state-funded school place should check that they have a right of abode or the conditions of their visa otherwise permit them to access a state-funded school.
For further information/guidance please visit the DfE website at[external link] or use the following .gov link Schools admissions: applications for overseas children [external link].