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Public health privacy notice

Who do you keep information about?

We keep information about:

  • 0-19 Service - All people 0-19 (or 25 in the case of those with a special needs or disabilities) including parents (antenatal) and carers’
  • Sexual Health Service - Any individual over the age of 13 requiring treatment and care
  • NHS Health Checks - Any individual 40-74 eligible for a NHS Health Check
  • Support Treatment and Recover in Darlington through Empowerment (STRIDE) - Any individual requiring services and treatment in relation to substance misuse
  • ACCESS Team - Any individual misusing substances requiring services and treatment
  • SWITCH Service (Young Persons Drug and Alcohol Service) – Any young person under the age of 18 requiring support and treatment
  • Stop Smoking Service - Any individual over the age of 18 requiring services and treatment
  • Suicide prevention - Any individual over the age of 18 who is notified to us by the coroner as a suspected suicide. Information and contact details of next of kin, partner or other individual named on the form notifying us of the death.
  • Adult weight management – Any individual over the age of 16 years requiring weight management support.

Why do you keep information about me?

We keep information about you to enable the Council to deliver its Public Health functions and deliver services and treatment. 

The GDPR conditions we are relying on to process the personal data are:

  • processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.
  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.

In relation to special categories of personal data the condition for processing we are relying on is:

  • Processing is necessary for reasons of public interest in the area of public health, such as protecting against serious cross-border threats to health or ensuring high standards of healthcare and of medicinal products or medical devices.

The legal obligations and public task functions we are exercising are set out in the following:

Primary legislation:

  • Health and Social Care Act 2012 Section 1,2A,2B
  • NHS Act 2006 section 73A(2)(e)
    • Section 73B(2)
    • Sections 2B,111 or 249
    • Schedule 1, section 6C, section 7A
  • Criminal Justice Act 2003 section 325


  • Local Authorities (Public Health Functions and Entry to Premises by local Healthwatch representatives) Regulation 2013 (SI2013/351)
  • NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/3094)

Who can see my information?

Information can only be accessed by members of the Public Health team.

0 - 19 Service information is shared with Harrogate and District Foundation Trust who share the information with CDDFT, Education, GPs, Other Healthcare Trusts, Social Care providers, other NHS bodies, Early Years settings.

Sexual Health Service information is shared with other NHS Bodies and sometimes the Police.

STRIDE, SWITCH and ACCESS Team is shared with those agencies who make a referral and provide support to the individual, including but not limited to other LA services, Police, Prison Service, Probation, NHS partners and third sector and family members and carers.

NHS Health Check Service information is shared with Public Health England.

Stop Smoking Service Information is shared with other NHS Bodies.

Suicide prevention information is shared as part of the Early Alert process via Cumbria Police dashboard with other regional and local leads in the North East and North Cumbria ICS, but this is anonymized. Information is also used to prepare a suicide audit but again non-identifiable.

Adult weight management information is shared with NHS, Public Health England, healthy lifestyle services, third sector and family members and carer’s where appropriate

How do you store the information you keep about me?

We hold information on the Council systems and our network which is ISO27001 certified and all paper-based records are stored in a lockable draw or lockable filing cabinet. 

We also store STRIDE and ACCESS Team information in a computer system called Nebula.

We store information in relation to NHS Health Checks and 0-19 Service on System One.

Sexual Health Service data is stored on INFORM.

The information for suicide prevention on internal systems and on the Cumbria Suicide Prevention Database under an information sharing agreement.

Adult weight management information is stored on a secure computer system.

How long do you keep information about me?

  • 0-19 Service - The retention period is 25years (or day after 25th birthday).
  • Sexual Health Service - The retention period is 8 years, unless an implant or device is inserted then its 10years. If the record relates to a child, refer to above (retain until day after 25th birthday).
  • NHS Health Checks - Records are currently stored on GP patient records and therefore would retained for 10years after death.
  • STRIDE, SWITCH and ACCESS Team - The retention period is 8 years for adults. For under 18yrs - 25years (after 25th birthday).
  • Stop Smoking Service - The retention period is 8 years.
  • Suicide prevention - Retention period is no longer than 8 years.
  • Adult weight management - The retention period is 8 years. If the record relates to a child, refer to above (retain until day after 25th birthday).

This information is destroyed securely when we no longer need it.

How did the Council get my personal data?

  • 0 – 19 Service - Data Subject, parents/carers, other NHS bodies, social care, safeguarding, police.
  • Sexual Health Service - Data Subject, Police, GP, NHS Organisations, PHE, MEG.
  • NHS Health Checks – Data Subject.
  • STRIDE, SWITCH and ACCESS Team – The data subject and those agencies who make a referral and provide support to the individual, including but not limited to other LA services, Police, Prison Service, Probation, NHS partners and third sector and family members and carers.
  • Stop Smoking Service – Data subject, referring professionals.
  • Suicide prevention - CID 27 form from Police or Coroner, GP Audit and reports from secondary care and postvention support provider.
  • Adult weight management services – Data subject, GP, referring professionals.

In cases where your personal data was obtained from a source other than yourself or your representative, we will inform you of the origin of the information within 1 month, unless that information is being used to contact you, in which case, that information should be provided to you at the latest, upon first communication with you.

However, it is not necessary to provide that information in cases where you already possess the information, where recording or disclosure is expressly laid down in law or where provision of the information proves impossible or would involve disproportionate effort.

What sort of information do you keep?

We may use the following information about you to make sure that we provide you with the right service, advice or support.

Personal data

  • Name
  • Identification number
  • Location data
  • Online identifier
  • One or more factors specific to the:-
    • physical
    • physiological
    • genetic
    • mental
    • economic
    • cultural
    • social identity of that natural person.

Special categories of personal data

  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs
  • Genetic data
  • Biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person
  • Data concerning health
  • Data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.


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