Democratic services – register of interests privacy notice
Who do you keep information about?
We keep information about
- Borough Councillors
- Co- opted Members
- Parish Councillors
- Connected persons (spouse/civil partner/cohabitee)
The information recorded includes personal details of Councillor and spouse/partner (name, address, employment, outside personal interests and financial interests).
The format of the forms is in accordance with the information that is required to be disclosed by statute.
Why do you keep information about me?
The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation under S. 29 of the Localism Act 2011 for a Register of Interests to be established and maintained.
Publication of this information helps in facilitating transparency in the democratic decision making process and compliance with the Members Code of Conduct.
Elected members have a legal obligation to provide details of disclosable pecuniary and other registerable interests upon taking office.
The Local Authority has a legal obligation to publish a copy of the Register of Interests for every councillor (both members of the Borough Council and also members of parish councils within the Borough). Publication is on the Councils website with copies also made available for public inspection on request.
Who can see my information?
Any member of the public or other interested person can see a copy of the Register of Interests.
Other material used to support the publication of this information is accessible to relevant staff at the Council.
How do you store the information you keep about me?
- On the Councils Website
- Paper Records are filed
- Electronic records are held on the Network Drive Committee Shared area
Is my information transferred to a third country or international organisation?
No – but the Register of Interest Forms on the Councils website can be viewed in any location.
How long do you keep information about me?
The Register of Interest form will be removed from the Councils website within one working day after the Councillor (or co-opted member) leaves office.
Electronic and paper records will be kept for 3 years after the Councillor (or co-opted member ) leaves office and will then be destroyed.
Is my information used to make an automated decision about me and/or for profiling purposes?
How did the Council get my personal data?
In the case of register of interest forms for borough councilors (and co-optees) the information is provided by the data subject (and in the case of the data subjects spouse, civil partner or cohabitee, information about them is provided by the data subject).
In the case of parish councils, the information is provided by the Clerk to the relevant parish council.
What sort of information do you keep?
The following information may be disclosed on the register of interest by the data subject/person completing the form.
Personal data:
- Name
- One or more factors specific to the physical identity of a natural person
- One or more factors specific to the physiological identity of a natural person
- One or more factors specific to the mental identity of a person
- One or more factors specific to the economic identity of a person
- One or more factors specific to the cultural identity of a person
- One or more factors specific to the social identity of a person
Special categories of personal data:
- Racial or ethnic origin
- Political Opinions
- Religious or philosophical beliefs
- Trade union membership
- Data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation